Would Heart Surgery Later in the Day Be More Successful? Maybe so.

Published November 18th, 2017 in Pleasantly Positive | No Comments ยป

Something Worth Thinking About

I found this earlier and thought…hmmmm. What do I do with this? I think there are a lot of people scheduled for these quite the opposite. Every single time I have had a surgery it was very early in the morning and there was never a choice. I assume this is because that’s when Doctors like to start but what if we could be more convincing to our health practitioners to do these surgeries later in the day? THAT would be something.

Still have to be shy as you kind of expect you aren’t going to be well-liked or received sharing shit like that in place where people MAY not be looking for what you are saying. Clearly you stumbled here through one of many places perhaps–but maybe I do need to make it more about information sharing from the stuff I have discovered over the years with a small 500 word entry blog per day…hmmmmm. I am always working this shit out publicly but that’s because if you haven’t noticed, I have no banners here. Eventually I will figure it out…I am investing in a life/career coach for Don and will follow with myself in a few months. That would be the kick in the ass I need, clearly, to get shit done and though will be money, might be well worth it.

But I could spend my days doing everything else I want to do–but work, but for now that is the work I do…HOWEVER- There are like 4 websites I am in the middle of developing and wow, it’s a lot of work, especially given I still haven’t finished the sketch of that damn dog.

Gotta do that now…but I did recognize I shared this nowhere, not Facebook, not here, not before now, not anywhere, so take it how you will….


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