When A+ turns into F-

Published March 19th, 2020 in 2020 | No Comments »

So I wanted to share with you a theory put forth by the community I have been reading about. Apparently there’s been some research and since I am an A+ in many things including art and terrible humor, as well as maybe a few other things that are making this shit hard, well, it’s just another thing to worry about, my fucking blood type, which is really not something I need to be doing. I need to find more resources for calm and wonderful stuff that makes all of this separation from Don right now less stressful. Right now I am a little anxious but that’s just from my own exposure to the facts and news I am reading on my own versus the stuff being peddled on social media, I assume. I worry for the graveyard of people who will be online because it’s terrible to think about and I don’t want to be or know a one of them. I pray that Don gets to keep safe because he’s only got one person to get it from but oh my god. Please universe let him be safe with me.


11597 sick. 171 gone 108 recovered which is an increase. Please be safe. Please, everyone do what you can. Stay the hell inside. It’s not forever, just a little while. I survived a lot of shit to get sick now and there are a lot of great people we need to protect, as this is bound to get messy. We just need to stop it if we can. I don’t want to wear a mask for the rest of my life but hey, if we’re going to burn the planet anyways, it might be the better way to protect lungs while we figure out how not to be douchebags.

Category: 2020

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