very innaresting uh huh

Published December 14th, 2009 in 2000-2011 | No Comments ยป

I have a feeling things are gonna start going bananas. Today I saw someone I had not seen in some time…and I was not as grossed out as I thought I would be. More like, normal. Not the neighbor who assaulted me, no.

I have been spewing a ton of self-doubt lately. Mostly because I don’t care. I mean. I do, but I don’t. I want to do what I want to do. Forget the consequences–well unless they involve hurting other people which I generally abhor. I am sitting in my bed now staring at this computer screen and contemplating my last final tomorrow. I do not feel that it is…shall we say…a guaranteed A. I had 5 pieces of candy and one bagel with cream cheese and tomato. Perhaps I am feeling slightly, uh, tired. Yeah. I am definitely tired.

I am leaving in January I don’t care. It is happening. I don’t know where to as my plans are about as dependable as the people around me (see, not very at all). But it’s cool. By then I should be working from home and things should be fantastic. It’s 6:45 and I might pass out which would definitely be stupid. Maybe I should take a nap. Yeah, that’s it. I only slept til 10 today. That means I have been up 9 hours. Gimme a break gimme a break. Break me off a piece of that…and let me smack you around with it.

I hope I get woken up in the only sweet way likely to happen tonight. No, not by my fake-love’s sweet lips on my mouth (I mean really those things only happen in the movies). But by Lady L, with beer, wine, food or some amalgamation of said items to make it all better.


Category: 2000-2011

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