useful tips on use of time
Man it is easy to realize you have spent hours on Facebook or social media and gotten absolutely nothing done. So I am starting to recognize that is a terrible plan when you do get that time back you always dreamed of having.
I do think I certainly feel I have some positive contributions to generally offer in terms of directives to information that many might find useful. But I also realize it might not actually be helping anyone. I think it sometimes, as my husband says, makes me feel like I am happy to be right. That the time I am spending trying to assuage my righteousness might be better spent on my own projects, and that is absolutely true. So–although I certainly do seem to have something to say about a lot of things, that my time would be better utilized in the production and creation of my own life and goals. It is super hard NOT to contribute to the national dialogue sometimes, but I am recognizing that it certainly isn’t going to secure me a heck of a lot of favor with really anyone. My husband gets pissed at me, and certainly I get a lot of vitriol thrown my way. How do I handle this? Well, for the responses to my comments I do have that turned off in terms of notifications on Facebook–I have to go back and see if anyone has responded if I feel the need, but for the most part, I plant my commentary and walk away. I also do not have Facebook, for example on my phone and have not in over a year or so. I do not approve anyone I do not know in terms of friend requests and even some I do know, I do not approve.
Now I know instagram, I know I will have to revisit that with regards to my own connections, but I think the plan is to set myself up with VERY specific time periods to allow myself the time to comment, post etc. Of course, having been a part of internet chat rooms for over 20 years I absolutely know that comments might not be the things I ever want to look at, and maybe I won’t even for instagram. Hell, even here you are all banned from being too big of shitheads since I have to physically approve any commentary made—generally I have been a nobody so the shitty comments really have been few and far between. But I also don’t give anyone a hell of a lot of meat to chew on. It’s like oh yeah? Are you going to say something terrible on a blog post? Okay, delete. On instagram the power I think is somewhat diluted. I will have to work around that somehow, I suppose. Clearly I have been suicidal enough I don’t need extra pushes, but I also have like 6 email addresses and most people haven’t figured out how to find me, exactly. None of them are associated with each other except in my back office–different associations with this blog, with my instagram, with my Facebook. I even gave the group from work access to an email I don’t really use any longer because it’s kind of irrelevant, but I do have about 8, so hiding is ALWAYS possible.
So, I am going to try and use The Rituals for Daily Living Dreambook and Planner–you can check it out off this link —
I have tried to use this the past few years…I will admit I was not AS successful as I had wanted to be, but the format really is quite useful. I think I have been kind of mean to myself in the past with regards to the summaries and time I gave myself for completion, but the Dreambook is kind of my own version of a vision board. I just ordered my 2020 version in dark purple–most of the time I have been late to the game so all they tended to have left was alabaster–but the idea of setting up goals and breaking things down into time frames that seem much more manageable is something I need to do. I have never been one to use lists until I found this book–I spent most of the time musing in my notebooks–mostly designing budgets and lists of things to do in the future. I have so many skeletons of my life in pieces and parts of notebooks, it’s nice to have one that is entirely dedicated to all of the stuff. A true direction of sorts.
Don is coming back next week so now it’s time to get a little bit done every day to make sure he doesn’t entirely adore the sparsenesss of his life in corn country. Little bit here, little bit there, little bits will get you somewhere better than nowhere. Small baby steps are where it’s at.
For now, it’s almost nap time. I know, crazy, but my brain has been doing backflips this morning trying to navigate my what to dos. Yesterday I spent some time on the phone with a woman who wants me to sell for her. That I am good at, and it was HIPAA compliant advertising for acupuncturists which is actually not far off from what I have already done. Once I nap I hope my head will get re-centered back on. So for now, it’s time to sleep. xo