Turning into a headline: Day 10 OHS coming soon

Published April 11th, 2022 in 2022, hearts | No Comments ยป

I wanted to write yesterday, of course I did, but a drive into DC and getting lost around traffic detours made it one of those days that left me without the right words–I cannot believe anyone would torture themselves to purposely try to drive and get anywhere around DC, but apparently those trucker dudes felt differently. [I understand a few of my readers think my profanity is a turn-off so I won’t be doing that unless it is absolutely necessary then], but it was a day where profanity spilled out of both of our mouths just trying to get home.

I also started the day at my waxer–another pro-tip from me to you–if you are getting open heart surgery, and especially if you are a woman–get a bikini wax. You don’t have to go full Brazilian, but for me it’s the only choice because both sides of my groin have been messed with already and the tape getting caught up in pubic hair is not a win at all. If you can afford it and want a perfect experience with the tape, an arm wax would also be helpful–it just makes it easier on everyone in finding the veins and keeping you not tortured with dressing changes and adhesive stuck in your hair. Trust me, anything to make your life suck less is a worthy investment in time and energy.

Still taking the MSM. I got the mat. Ohhh, wow, I have things to say about the mat, but let’s just do that tomorrow so I can be clear about my initial reviews. I know a few people probably thought I zapped myself off the planet, but the fact that I can get in an MRI machine is a pretty great indication magnets aren’t there to hurt me. I really didn’t want to be a headline like Girl tries to cheat death with upcoming heart surgery, dies getting EMF-ed to Death, which is probably not a terrible way to die–and trust me, I did think about it. The other thing–EMF readers seem to indicate the mat is producing 3 times the strength so it’s apparently not all hooey–again, more on that later. You cannot use these things if you have a pacemaker, but my Echos don’t show a need for one of those, yet.

ALSO, the mat I did do this yoga practice today (30 Days of Yoga for Beginners | Calm Mind & Body | Eliz Fitness)–it is Free with Amazon Prime and I’ve got that. I did it on the mat on one setting and went down the next…it is going to be an interesting addition to my new practice. Giving your body any chance to stretch is a great thing to do–my last TEVAR was cake because I was pretty well-stretched. The girl doing it is not annoying, she doesn’t spend an over-the-top amount of time yet on the mystical end of yoga, but I did enjoy it.

My mother-in-law bought be a sleeping recliner because clearly I will be needing something–I cannot tell you how insane this chair is, apparently it is being custom-built for me because they don’t just have them out there built–so I am finally surgery-spoiled. It massages you and does a lot of amazing shit that if I do die, Don should be thrilled he has for himself.

So the next thing I need to research–I do have my yoga practice-tomorrow is day 2 so if you go along with me–let me know. So I am eating mostly shit I cook–tonight we got these carnitas fry nachos from this place in Arlington which was pretty delicious. But the next thing I need to research is teas for people with heart conditions. I need to start drinking that iced over some of the sugar options I crave. I have been eating mandarins and grapes instead of some other things for sweetness. Blueberry bars are done so time to make some more perhaps. I had my mushroom taco tonight. This week I am alone three times so there will be some salmon needs so I will pick some of that up.

BTW-I decided on

Category: 2022, hearts

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