today was lady day

Published April 7th, 2022 in 2022, hearts | No Comments ยป

Man–if there’s something absurd that can happen to leave me confused on a given day, it’s going to happen, I ended up going to a totally different address than I was supposed to, having first ended up at the right address, but walking away because the building address was well camouflaged and the address I had saved for the appointment was different. So I went to the address I had saved instead of comparing the confirmation text address to the address on the paperwork which was the same in 2 of the pages as several had the address overlapped by the business name and wasn’t clear. Generally speaking, these clinics are not in the middle of cities in high rises–there’s either in shorter dedicated buildings, or well marked some other way. This new place was not that place. The place it used to be in made sense, as it was an actual part of the VA hospital system but now somehow is located outside of the VA hospital building system. Oh and the A and the B building nonsense. JFC. You know once again I would end up in the wrong freakin building thanks to my google maps this time. UGH.

I think after reading this a few times the moral of this particular story is–if you need glasses, get glasses, people. I have needed glasses for probably 5 years but something’s always happening-I will be waiting until after this surgery if I survive it to get an accurate prescription. The address-I had a few different ones, didn’t all match and I didn’t question that, as I thought the one online would be the updated one, oops.

Eventually after realizing I was an idiot, I went back to the original address, hidden in an office building with literally no signs outside but a thin number sign I eventually saw outside–it is raining today too so everything is in a pall of grey. I am not going to spend any time hating on myself anymore than I have, but I will suggest that all businesses should keep their addresses updated online if they are listed anywhere. Had that been done to start, I never would have had the OLD address.

So I got recommended something called Estroven for my fun party menopause, which I will have to review to make sure it won’t ruin other shit–I just did that and it seems safe enough. I might run with the soy isoflavones but I need to go check the estrogen levels I will maybe do later or Monday after today’s shenanigans–maybe I need an iced coffee I’ll give myself as a reward after I write this.

So. The PEMF mat let’s talk about one big factor here–they cannot be used if you have a pacemaker. So the plan of course for me is, ensure I don’t need one. My heart is pretty okay and today the pulse ox read 99 so I think everything is going to be fine. I have not done the yoga yet–I will post that here soon. Today I haven’t eaten enough I’ll admit-Ka’Chava some nuts and dried cherries. I have to roast a bunch of sweet potatoes, onions, peppers and garbanzo beans–I am going to make a little tahina dressing with some lemon juice and garlic soon thing for that, I do have a giant bag of brown rice I should pull out for that as well. Today I didn’t do all the stuff, but I am trying. I will be doing the yoga, again, I’ll post that later.

So what else. Meditation, I also think there are probably some sound waves that could help because if sound can hurt, clearly might have a sometimes tendency to help as well. I will be looking into that shortly. I have gone to sleep listening to some self proclaimed healing music so we will see how all this works together.

Ummm. Yeah, time for that iced-coffee.

Category: 2022, hearts

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