Tired ired and inspired

Published October 13th, 2007 in 2000-2011 | 15 Comments ยป

Today was my first day doing my prose and newly deemed “short fiction” seminar, a kind of introduction to the style if you will. The lack of rules makes me happy since we can all see that I am not so into all of those. I prefer to do my own thing, and although I am not always perfect with my spelling, it’s the only thing I really care to try and be perfect about.

It’s more interesting to me to do things differently, anyways. Not with difficulty, but something a bit more challenging is always better than sticking to the same uptight rules.

I have never been so good with rules. Rules of living, time constraints (in terms of doing things in life at certain times), when to speak (not unless spoken to, and no talking-back!), and what order my life is supposed to follow.

It is finally chilly, though I am still angry I didn’t get to do any swimming before the ocean air turned cold. Next time, I guess. I want to figure out somewhere to go the first few days of November since I get election day off–I know it makes me nothing short of a bad girl not to vote on election day, but it’s one of the few elections I won’t get riled and emotional about.

So next Sunday is my birthday. Uh huh. My freaking birthday again. I have been fake shopping at Anthropologie.com because it has replaced Arden B as my new favorite store. Arden B got all hoochie and lost its gypsy girl appeal, which is the one thing I like about the clothes I always fake shop for. Though I will take the time to possibly purchase one sweater for my birthday, I found 7 alone in the most recent catalog that I would love to possess officially. I think I might be a freak for all of the fake shopping I do when I am bored. I just think that I need to start appearing more dignified. Does anyone else do this fake shopping? It’s called put it in your cart, look at the total, say, uh, no, and then close the window. I am obsessed with their sweaters and their little dresses, but sweaters make more sense.

I am still waiting to get those photos from the wedding. I am really going to be so angry not to get them. Every time Eddie and I are supposed to get the pictures from whatever event, someone holds out on us…Let that be a lesson not to trust other people photograph you and your boyfriend, I guess.

Tomorrow is Sunday, and I have to work and write a paper…but choice B takes precedence over A of course.

I am so happy to have a chance to live life again. For my entire life I have been waiting for something to happen, but life is finally coming up roses at every turn for me. I apply to school and get in, I got to go outside of the country for the first time ever (granted it was only the DR, but still is off the continent), I met and have been accepted by both sides of my blood family(!), and I am unconvinced that the prizes are ending any time soon. (this is when I start wishing and playing the lottery every week)

And, one week from Sunday, I will be thirty one-derful, as CK likes to tell me! Last year was a milestone simply because none of it was ever supposed to happen (thirty was unimaginable for so long), but this year and all the years after will be like loading on cherries for every year (that I am in the condition to be happily alive anyhow).

Kiss Kiss. Tsk tsk.bla bla bla bla bla.

Category: 2000-2011

15 Responses to “Tired ired and inspired”

  1. sevenjades says:

    I do that kind of fake shopping too, but in person. I’ll try on, say, ten items, hang on to five, try on another eight, hang on to four, then look at the prices and/or the time and walk out disgusted at my lack of both. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I like the Poppyfield T, Spotlight dress and Stellafora dress from Anthropologie.

    • deanna says:

      I can’t do the trying on thing. I am entirely too emotional about not having things look right…the sudden weight gain kind of flubbed that a bit.

      But I did end up signing up for the wishlist people!

      ahhahaha…unfortunately those picks didn’t make it to my list (I don’t think anyhow)

      I keep throwing mad hints in the piggy’s direction, like dude–a $600 gift card would get me so much–not that it would work, but it’s something.

      then again, I do need to throw out everything…that weight gain really fucked my whole wardrobe totally up…

      • sevenjades says:

        I can see how it would flub you. I have to try things on, though, as I’m terrible at guessing how things will fit me. I only just figured out that I can get a bootcut in one size, but a straight fit has to be in another size. I guess I’m fashion-retarded. ๐Ÿ˜› I sympathize with your wardrobe being fucked up because of weight – I spent so much money adjusting mine, and I still have things I need to get. ๐Ÿ™

        Where is your wish list? I tried searching under your name and found nothing.

        • deanna says:

          I didn’t have my list viewable. But you can see all of the cutie things I like in that catalog by viewing it now, with my last name, of course.

          I wish it were not so freakin expensive. IT is INSANE how much it would cost to get everything I want off that list. I’m telling myself I would throw my entire wardrobe out if I won the lottery enough to get it though (which is more true than not)

          I keep hinting at the boy, but he’s a whacko and doesn’t want me to have more clothes.


          • sevenjades says:

            That boy is dense. What did a few nice things ever hurt? ๐Ÿ™‚

            I love the French Braid Dress… it’s a bit out of my price range (you’re right, they make a killing with this, don’t they?!), but oh so lovely! I think that’s part of the allure, though – if we had the money to buy these lovely things, we’d have the money to do a lot more, wouldn’t we? Like go to the DP more often, get more tattoos, not worry about financial aid. All those happy dreams. ๐Ÿ™‚

          • deanna says:

            i love everything on my list, but there are of course my favorites, none of which can be disclosed publicly because certain young ladies might feel obliged when they shouldn’t be worrying about nonsense like presents!

            i wish i could do more, it’s true. i do wish this clothing was not so expensive however. I have just started to run far away from all synthetic fabrics, for the most part. I want to have things that last foreva, and these pieces are nothing short of an investment in that they are classical in shape and style, and probably will stay that way for a while. And all that aside, in the future would probably be worthy to sell off if they do become unfavorable to me.

            the boy isn’t good at holding secrets–I think he is buying me a new couch for my birthday (keep in mind I have been bitching about a new couch for like a year). I like presents that other people can enjoy too. ๐Ÿ™‚

          • sevenjades says:

            Hahaha! I’d suggest speaking in code to keep listening ears confounded, but I hear she’s pretty smart. ๐Ÿ™‚

            At these prices, they certainly are investments! I hadn’t thought of clothes as investments, aside from once-in-a-while outfits like suits or Important Event clothes. I guess that’s what comes from being so poor that Gap becomes exorbitant. Then again, I’ve found nice inexpensive clothes that felt like butter for five or more years. I think we’re paying for the name more than the quality past a certain point. It’s irksome to pay for a brand way above a quality.

            A couch is a good present! I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you. ๐Ÿ˜‰

          • deanna says:

            yes, I am a freak of nature like that! A couch? All for me?

            Thanks, PIGGY!

            hahaha. We just had to wait until Ms Sophia chew everything up was finished teething.

  2. iam_hooked says:

    I have fake shopped a couple of times, I’m always on line looking at stuff I can’t afford:-(

    Wednesday’s my birthday, damn wasn’t it my birthday just last week?

    And I’ll be doing homework all day, I love the fall and I’d rather be outside.

    • deanna says:


      Happy birthdays are awesome!!!!!

      I will be doing mid-term studying on your birthday. Oh party…

      • iam_hooked says:

        Well, there’s always the weekend, and I am getting tattooed next weekend so that’s something to look forward to.

        • deanna says:


          I wish…I cannot afford anyone worthy right now, and it wouldn’t make any sense for me to do anything with that for a few more years. In fact, that will be my present to myself when I am done, my back and arms finished.

          you are one lucky duck.

          • iam_hooked says:

            I’m really lucky because it’s being done for free, otherwise I couldn’t afford it either. I still have a piece on my thigh that needs to be finished but I haven’t had the money to get the last session in.

            I guess we’ll both be fake shopping for a while:-(

  3. ofmonsters says:

    1. I do the fake shopping too, only with books. Hahahahaha….

    2. Francis: can you send me some links to some things you want for your birthday (to my Gmail account). Your “Congrats on getting into Columbia” present is (obviously) taking longer than anticipated, so that it might turn into a combination “ChristmaKwanzaaChanukahColumbia” present, but in the meantime I’d like to get you something nice for your birthday. Please send links ASAP, to allow time for shipping etc.

    Love you.

    • deanna says:



      Francis, that store is RIDICULOUSLY expensive. I have like 20 items on my list I think and the cheapest one is like $80…it’s too much. I didn’t have my list accessible to public eyes, but just did it. But you can see how much my taste has changed, at least. I am much more dignified in my choices than I used to be.

      I just hinted to Eddie again that I had a wishlist, but I also want my own recliner chair.

      *sigh* I don’t know what he will do.

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