this is where we’re at: day 5

Published April 6th, 2022 in 2022, hearts | No Comments ยป

Today today. Oh yes, today was blood test day where I hung around a LABCORP, probably chock full of the COVID-infected–but every day seems to be a day where I have to do something. Tomorrow I don’t know that I do, but the next day, yes. Tomorrow will be yoga day, where I pick the class that has to help me get at least flexible enough-you do tend to naturally lose weight going through this garbage–it is so crazy, but I literally cannot imagine how this will all go but I am trying to, the emphasis on setting myself up for maximum survival. I have some calls in to the PEMF mat experience–again I am not sure if it is hogwash because I am someone who has tried everything–REIKI, reflexology, acupuncture, tai chi–lots of different juices and health food store recommended mixes over the years, everything from Noni to sour cherry and pomegranate juice to now the MSM, lots of different books, and even some personal experience with the Landmark Forum, there’s not much I didn’t try to make some sense of all of the shit–and ultimately I realized there is no sense to this shit. This is life, it happens to you sometimes, and though there’s stuff you can do to make changes on your own–there’s literally no sense to be made of this shit happening to me again except to maybe yes, use this blog and this surgery as a sort of blueprint for other people who get a chance to plan their surgeries (that’s not a normal thing for me quite to this extent). I know many people who do get a bit of a head start notice on their surgeries–and at this point we’re coming up under 2 months so the normal times people might get (8-12 weeks) would help to be motivated by this.

Today. I had some Guatemalan coffee from Aldis, my Dunkin creamer, a coconut noosa with 2/3 c blueberries and 1/2 cup chopped walnuts and dried cherries–a medium dunkin’s ice coffee (yeah yeah, spare me it’s good), and tonight this, which was really quite outstanding. I made it, like I make most things we eat–I did the MSM powder once but the soy isoflavones only once. Ugh. I will get those again. Part of me realizes I should stop before Friday, but the other part thinks maybe I need to prove they aren’t hurting me so wants to maybe half-ass them.

Of course I am not a doctor, don’t assume I am–I do things in the spirit of doing enough research into what I should not be consuming at the same time (the MSM powder can make that tough) and how much. I do need to up some vitamins pre because of the vitamins needed in general body healing–this is a direct result of my own personal experience, but again…I feel the need to remind you I am not a doctor. I will be reporting my daily thing here so you can get a feel of what is going on. I didn’t have anything else to eat today besides a few more handfuls of walnuts and dried cherries aside from that breakfast yogurt and dunkin’s before dinner. Tomorrow I am roasting some vegetables and making a lemon tahina dressing to go over that and some roasted chickpeas–I have my INR whatever you call thems, inserts or swabs or testy things coming soon so I will be able to test different food mixes for thinness. Lots of water, some other vitamins.

Friday is the lady doctor day-I’m going to have to go in looking like a shady psycho with double mask and goggles, but that’s the consistency thing. The booster we are almost 5 months out from and I think peak effectiveness is 5 weeks after so that I’ll have to do here in a minute, too. Um, what else. The yoga, that comes tomorrow. I did decide I would wear my little circulation boots the days I did not walk far, and since I don’t need to lose weight anymore can’t do 10k a day but definitely less because I don’t eat enough to support anything else.

Beyond that any other recommendations you people might have. At this point I feel like the heart surgery expert so probably have more people coming to me versus the other way around, but again, the PEMF mat I would have found no other way but looking for help in other places. Look out for the damn videos soon–I am bleaching the shit out of my hair tomorrow so maybe by the end of next week.

Category: 2022, hearts

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