the terror of silence

Published July 28th, 2010 in 2000-2011 | No Comments ยป

Oh, my dreams. I despise being psychically connected to someone…to feel what is going on without really knowing, errr…seeing it in front of me. It’s a seriously scary thing and sometimes I have to decide to cut the cord in efforts to save some semblance of something.

I mean, really? What were you thinking, chickadee?

I don’t know, but the growing sickness in my stomach is not something I am pleased with exactly. Also, a trip, a visit…I dreamed about it in my head last night and I saw what it was…why the push was made so hard to get me out of there. And she ran past me into the bathroom as friends tried to explain it away after making me miss my flight. I screamed and screamed about that, very confused as to how that would ever benefit me, but the friends also seemed to be very confused, apparently sitting “unknowing,” though direct quotes were made about me being there.

And now I am starting to feel like I was made a fool, perhaps a peg in a string of them that rotate freely through one’s life…I stake no claim in anything. But I can tell you something. A lot of bullshit was spewed in my general direction about a lot of things. And I am not sure how I got stuck tethered to someone else’s spirit to the point where my intuition has over-run my emotions.

But I do not like it one bit. At all.

Category: 2000-2011

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