the legalities of driving in this shitass state

Published March 8th, 2002 in 2000-2011 | No Comments ยป

new jersey is the worst fucking state to have a moving vehicle in. outside of the fact that they will suspend your ass for parking tickets, they make the whole ordeal as painful as humanly possible to rectify. i tried to start a riot in the dmv, and would have been at least partially successful if people weren’t such fucking sheep. (in fact the cop referred to us as cows). Next time I go there,I’m bringin brownies for everyone, then busting out… First off, you have to pay your tickets at one office, then somehow get a phantom driver to get you to another one 45 minutes away. and the boot? forget about it…my insurance (basic liability) for the 1985 corolla is somewhere around $1500..with 3 points added for each year my license was suspended (yes, another jersey thing)…well, it’s all taken care of now…something that makes me giggle.

except at this particular moment, I am crying. i need a new fucking job, yo.
like pronto>
these pics were taken like 15 minutes ago, before i was made to bawl my fuckin eyes out.

Category: 2000-2011

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