the immigrants aren’t the ones fucking us everyone

Published April 7th, 2019 in 2019 | No Comments »

So, trigger warning, you hate politics, you might hate me after this. Just know I have a heart and I have dealt with some oppressive shit and can see a little further beyond what matters than some of you, with the whole almost dying thing and all. But, here goes. Keep in mind I rarely write articles but I need to get this out at least to confirm the research I already did to prove a point.
Man, the sadness and bitter anger is kind of a pervasive thing these days if you open your ears or eyes or mind up to what seems to be being passed around. It seems sometimes that we have an us vs them that we can easily identify, but clearly seem to be missing the real them we should be angry at–they’ve done a great job spooking us all into seeing other people in our population and communities, while they still move your jobs overseas and pay for right-to-work laws in your state which are really just right-to-fire-with-no-notice-or-reason laws. They have been so effective with this campaign because news consumption seem to be squirreled into fewer and fewer sources–and now with Sinclair controlling more than half, eagerly on its way to 75% of our homes, well–you all are in trouble if you don’t do what I do, which is read like 10 news sources every day.

You probably wouldn’t be shocked to know a lot of right wing papers rely on the demonization of ideas or people and groups, and oftentimes ignore issues that would affect their readership. Some of the left wing papers also sometimes unnecessarily demonize people, but I daresay as a liberal you’d be more apt to consult more news sources than conservative, ones, because I think there are less reliable conservative news sources because come on now, let’s admit. Most of the core ideas are not evolved enough to support a working and cohesive and safe and equal society, so they are hard to love by tolerable people, which we have largely evolved to be. There are like 3 news sources those guys consult, with a few going the 4CHAN route, but a combination of Fox, Hannity and some others on the radio keep those guys incensed and bitching. Sure, I bitch too, I just know who the fuck to blame and it’s not fucking Mexicans or any other immigrant coming here. They start businesses at twice the rate of native born Americans. That is a FACT. What does that tell you? Well it might tell you Americans are pissed they never did the same and don’t want people coming here and making money doing something they would never do. Yeah, smell the smirk? It is most definitely there.

I have done a side-by-side on how stories are featured and when there are stories about more drug tests for SNAP recipients (nice way to punish the children of the addicted person, don’t ya think?) or a state’s legislature going expressly against the will of its people to establish its own rules, or throttle the power of incoming democratically elected leaders because they aren’t from the right party. Or stories about all the families and individuals affected adversely by a lot of these policies. There is a reason for that, and two or three sources of news controlled largely by one group is directing the conversation into us vs out to them, the holders of our opportunity and money. I have found myself on message boards telling people who spit at people wanting to come here for their own opportunity–stuff like, Oh, yeah, Bernice? How about you and your friends pop your checkbooks open and write that check out for $313 million for Colorado if you are so eager to get them out. That is what illegal immigrants bring in every year to our state so if you want to do that, please do. Nobody ever takes me up on my offer or really wants to put their money where their mouth is. And they never have a retort beyond twat and bitch so you know my concepts are not well received given I do use logic still. All I know is I look at who is really affected by the policy and ideas, and we take that money and customers and income out, yes, our economy will shrink. It’s called Math, people. You are talking about taking our consumers, creators and workers in a complex machine which requires fucking people to work it and consume things and create things like any society would if it had the numbers to support itself would.

I have started responding to articles reminding people they, too, have the world’s information at their fingertips and could look at the figures themselves but people are lazy and like ABC news, and I mean alreadybeenchewed for meaning. It is definitely lazy, and I read all of these news sources because really, it’s my reminder every day how inexperienced with real life everyone is and how little I really do want to venture outside. That is better than me calling them stupid, though many might have wanted to shortcut that way—but you all need to look at everyone’s arguments and do things like I do, look at the people responsible–and don’t punish them all.

This goes for the me too, immigration, poverty, healthcare and every other issue we all set out to fight each other one. They keep setting the pins up and we keep knocking them down, never questioning why why do they spend so much time trying to get us to hate other people who just want more opportunity and a better life? Why are we labeling ALL men as predators when it really isn’t true? Honestly at the end of the day, that is what we are doing with our immigrant hate, demonizing people who are seeking a better life and opportunity away from some hell they might have walked hundreds or thousands of miles on foot to escape. I know people who wouldn’t walk a half a mile to a restaurant or 7-11. And that is the direction we are choosing to shoot our ire. And part of our leadership is actively working against that entire idea, so very American at its core, it’s like we forgot who we were in the midst of all this finger pointing. These are the people who are worth letting in, whereas there’s definitely a contingency of Americans who probably should be deported for their horrible behavior and deficits to their communities, too.

The issue is who has the money and how far they are willing to go to keep ungodly amounts of it because at some point it’s value directly translates from money and your ability to buy policy and people to get your way. There is certainly enough fucking money in this country–there are just a tiny parcel that are hoarding it for what? 400 have more than a thousand people could spend in a lifetime, and I am sure a grosser amount more. In fact I just did the math–so there are 327 million people total. 400 people control the destinies of 326 million is more accurate and if we squirreled it down to those who employ at least a thousand people, it is probably worse. I would say of that 400 maybe half control the destinies and money and economic success and opportunities of 327 million. That is insane. The average American spends about $4 million in a lifetime and I am sure more for some. Top 1%rs in every state earn from $254k to $700k every year.

The national minimum for top earners averages to be $421,926, data shows. The average for each state is $76k to just under $41k.

The 0.01% is richer than us all, and maybe should be checked while we still have any autonomy from them.

Ironically I just found myself on another information search and discovered, this. Consider the happiest countries and their tax rate vs the US. Yes, we will be less than 50% as happy if we are 50% less invested in our foundations and programs and healthcare and education and social investments that the happiest countries enjoy. Their average CEO pay vs worker is listed below this section, so read down.

So then I looked because what we really SHOULD be doing in all of this is taking the opposite stance when people try and demonize other people with the same goals as them. I am a researcher when it comes to my opinions as you all should be. Consider this:

According to a report from the Economic Policy Institute, the average CEO pay is 271 times the nearly $58,000 annual average pay of the typical American worker. Although the 271:1 ratio is high, it’s still not as high as in previous years.

This link also was from a few years ago, but highlights a pretty stark contrast between the next highest country for sure.

So this is where we are at. At a place where we can stop hating people who want to be treated equally and people who want to work hard for their opportunity–we can fucking band together or we can continue to be dicks to each other and demonize the wrong fucking people responsible for your misery. THAT is the fucking American thing to do, guys. We band together and help people who want our help. We open our fucking arms up and realize we aren’t close to Africa and dealing with the same exact numbers at all–so we might want to not take for granted who we are and what we want tor represent to the world.

Hateful Trump Thumpers? Probably not. Those people need a wakeup call and we need to remind people their core humanity is still there. I want to tell you something that kind of started me off on my rant on incomes. I went to go look at how much illegal immigrants cost us yearly in stolen healthcare–that’s what you hear Aunt Dick and Aunt Loreen talk about at Thanksgiving and Easter, and it’s bullshit. In America, we spend over 3.5 TRILLION on healthcare. 18.5 billion is directly attributed to illegal immigrants, or roughly 189 times on total healthcare compared to what illegal immigrants cost us.

So–I am thinking, holy shit, we are absolute assholes. Do you see how my mind worked there, as I exposed you to my whole why do we hate illegal immigrants, oh they say they steal our healthcare, no they don’t, oh they say they are just taking, no, they aren’t. oh, it’s the Mexicans, no it isn’t. Here is your proof this is how my mind kind of worked this out on paper though it went in obvious straight lines from a certain point.

The summary conclusion being, don’t hate the people who really didn’t do anything you wouldn’t do for your own– for you to hate them is always ironic that way ultimately which is your last chance to admit you aren’t a shit human being and end your hate parade. ADMIT IT AUNT TERESA, if you had to run across the Canadian border you would certainly do that to escape this place and maybe look at your options after you weren’t afraid of dying and all. And no, I don’t have an Aunt Teresa. I avoid everyone, remember? hahahaha end/rant

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