the extreme of makeovers

Published January 13th, 2008 in 2000-2011 | 9 Comments ยป

Suddenly I am either very bored, or just incredibly sober. If I haven’t mentioned it before, I am a fan of takes the edge off of certain pains that permeate my body everywhere. Some people might say that’s a cop out…but I did happen to be smoking last semester…and although I am in no way overly proud of my B and B+, it shows you I am not entirely retarded. Though that might be an oxymoron given one might question the potential unreached because of it…but I haven’t been too much lately. I’m not trying to go overboard and out and out quit…I smoke only a few times a week…but it is a real pain in the butt to do stuff like that anyways. Getting it is another adventure…I have to travel into the city and hang around union square because I don’t know anyone I would trust…I just got back. Hell, that only took an hour and a half.

But earlier today, bored with my books and just bored of myself…I started watching Extreme Makeover. I put myself through a pretty intense unsurgical extreme makeover when I was 17. And it’s an interesting concept, that show. Interesting because, honestly? The people who come out on the other side are actually more attractive. Dare I say they really do take some pretty funky-looking people and even out their discrepencies–but really. I asked Eddie if he thought I could get on it…free boobs and teeth anyone? But my face is really not a car crash…I have a bunch of scars. We decided that the scars could get me on…but my face needs no surgery (lipo under the chin maybe?). I think the thing that people don’t think when they go on the show is the unrealistic expectations their baby children will have…because aesthetic beauty is unfortunately genetic. How horrible that could be as they get older–mommy and daddy are so pretty and handsome, what happened to me? Eeek. No, sweetheart, you can get your fangs and boobs fixed if you go the the doctor. Probably not an awesome conversation to look forward to–

Speaking of which, I am finally shedding some of the weight I gained. I modified my depakote and diet until I see my friend the insane neurologist. Sometimes I wonder if it is questionable that my neurologist is, well, senile. I am seeing the laryngologist and all kinds of other fun party doctors over the next few weeks.

TV IS LAME, by the way. If we haven’t ever discussed this before. It really does stink. Quite a bit. I can’t find anything to entertain me while I pack and throw shit out. So I am sitting on my ass pretending all of you are clamoring to read what I have to say.I also look for your posts, too, but sometimes you guys are quieter than I am.

Category: 2000-2011

9 Responses to “the extreme of makeovers”

  1. tsdk says:

    I tried to get on the first season of The Swan back in 2003. Of course, I wasn’t busted enough (who knew they were looking for like Guiness Book Trolls)- but I heard “make-over show” and I was THERE. I had to drive all the way to Philly to get my picture taken in my underwear while being yelled at by their Staff. (Yes, I have a story for any topic you can throw at me.)

    Right now, I bet if I interviewed, I’d get picked. I had emergency dental surgery yesterday and the left side of my face looks like a very bloated Elvis and/or Marlon Brando- the end years. It ain’t pretty. I doubt they’d consider you for Extreme Make-over though- even with the scars. You’re much too pretty. ๐Ÿ™‚ Good luck with the weight loss- losing weight could be the hardest accomplishment EVER. Well, for some of us anyway.

    How can you not be entertained by the trashtastic-ness of Rock of Love 2 and Scott Baio is 46 and Pregnant (Both on vh1, both premiering tonight)???? I found both very satisfying as far as garbage tv goes.

    I’d smoke more weed if I had somewhere to get it. But, my Stepford-esque town isn’t the kind of place where you can easily procure that kind of thing. Well, not being in high school anyway.

    • deanna says:

      hahaha—yeah, I totally missed those premieres. I am not sure I will be up for TV time tonight. I am on and off of it depending on how I feel.

      Losing weight is actually hard. I never thought it would be since I have always been very railesque. Now I am not so much (chins anyone?). Granted I am not overweight or obese…but I would say, yeah, I’m a bit heavier than I would like to be…by 4 sizes..but my size 9 levis are fitting today so it’s happening slowly.

      Oh wow…the Swan—-I would totally love to hear about that. The producers for the shows I am convinced are more evil than anyone. I suspected they messed with you to get the best and most dramatic end result…but goodness, they yelled?

  2. moonlitlake says:

    I think you are beautiful the way you are… I know it sounds cliche, but it is also an honest opinion in this particular case.

    TV does bite… but there is some stuff out there I’m glad I haven’t missed by friends or family gifting DVDs. West Wing has totally blown me out of the water. Out of the 22 episodes on the first season, I think like 3/4 of them brought me to tears at one point or the other. I mean that show is phenomenal… Scrubs is great as well.

    • deanna says:

      The West Wing is great. I got addicted to Lost, but it is a far greater experience to see it on DVD instead of on TV. I despise commercials for real.

      Thanks for the compliments, Miss A..I just have a psychological issue with feeling like a woman–that lack of boobs and ability to have a baby probably are responsible for that…

  3. iam_hooked says:

    Fake boobs, trust me, you really don’t need them(and would probably find you were better off without them).

    TV does suck, I usually end up watching cooking shows or home make over shows unless it’s football season, I do miss netflix.

    As far as the weed, 3 times a week isn’t bad, but it is very easy to start doing it more often. Popular misconception is that weed is not addictive(yeah, neither are cigarettes), I’ve kicked a few addictions(not implying your addicted)of heavier substances so if you put your mind to it you can give it up. After a while somethings just aren’t worth it anymore.

    • deanna says:

      yeah, I hear you

      I am definitely making it a weekend only activity..and not every one of course. I go through periods where I am doing it often or not at all.

      I have no addictive tendencies, fortunately for me and everyone I know. I just prefer to smoke instead of drink any amount of alcohol. It feels like I have more control (though I have puffed myself to oblivion, too on rare occasions–the last being my birthday) over stuff and negative impacts on my body. And when you hang out with people and they are drinking, it IS hard to get down to that level unless you are equally, or at least comparably, fucked up.

      • iam_hooked says:

        Re: yeah, I hear you

        I understand, sometimes it is better then drinking and more easy to control. Me, I have a very addictive personality, I’ve had to kick cigs and coke so I have plent of experience in it. Kind of wish I didn’t, but they do say what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger.

  4. raychel024 says:

    I can only say that Ive missed you, and thought of you, and Im glad to know youre still OK..

    • deanna says:

      Oh thank you Miss Raychel.

      I have your same fondness for pits, since I have two.

      Don’t be a stranger. I’ve missed your words, too.


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