The Division of Aspects

Published March 29th, 2019 in 2019 | No Comments ยป

So I got a hold of my friend who has helped make this happen and I have a pretty spectacular plan. Some of you may remember the site I built because I wanted to be a facilitator of aid to those who suffered from heart and aortic conditions I guess more succinctly. There were no scholarships for those who endured this stuff–so I had the tshirts, hell I still have a ton–but I was trying to sell them on the site and start a fund. I sold two, so you all know how well that went. Then I used that to help myself because whatever world…I have had to learn to expect and own nothing in the United States of America and yeah, I still have enormous debts, and yes, I still will never have peace of mind, because that is what illness allows you the ability to enjoy in this country.

I won nothing with the Powerball, but boy did I have plans to help many.

In any case the site is getting totally revamped over the weekend. I am separating the blogs out to the scars because really, that is what those blogs seem to illuminate the most–the scars of just general living, and then the imprints of a genetic condition and what it has allowed me to experience in a life that sometimes hasn’t seemed worth living. I am sure many of you sensed that many times with the words I spilled, but it’s been something, this life of mine.

So scarsandhearts will be blogs, the hearts will be here and will be a little less about me and more about everything and everyone else–the considerations one would make–commentary on healthcare and healthcare news. Innovations in gene research, what an aortic dissection does and entails and all the assorted accompaniments–sex, exercise, diet, medicine. I certainly claim to be no expert on really much aside from health insurance in the United States–but I can say I am an expert on my own body to some extent–nobody knows more than what I do about how to survive the fucking unsurvivable, most accurately dissections, open heart surgery and strokes. I have enough experience in all those things the information I do have to rely I feel would possibly be more help than hurt. Though I am a bit of a rebel and I always have been. I will not mess around with getting to the people I need to get to when I feel it is important. It’s how I stalked Dr. Griepp, it is how I have always tried to work things–with a hand extended out to help.

Oh oh oh. Best news is the decodeanna stuff is going up. I have that site which will be the art, earrings, tshirts I am trying to manage to get the student loan paid off, maybe a cushion to hope for when the stroke takes me out and I am all spit and bubbles. The decobeauties site I own I am also building up a beauty blog and all that as well, but it will take some time on that because I am seriously still a lot afraid of putting myself out there to be abused and ignored again. I am a bit of a wimp I suppose.

Be that as it may–I have put a lot out there in one of the Facebook groups I am a part of–and they seem sometimes mildly amused by me, but mostly it feels like I am in high school again and some people just fucking hate me because there will always be those who do. But given the repeated themes in the postings–a go to place for some help and ideas I think would have insane value.

Also, on the hearts site I am thinking of publishing some personal experiences with diet modifications, CBD oil and all that. That might be something worth revisiting–my menus which I would never promise much from besides good food made from great ingredients–there’s a lot to do as I am sure you can imagine, but given my writing is the easiest for me to complete–well, you will see sooner than later.

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