Thanksgiving love TIme

Published November 23rd, 2007 in 2000-2011 | 14 Comments »

I despise when this template just purges what I just wrote out, never to be repeated again.

I suppose I can just make this short and sweet since my poetics are lost in cyberland now.

1) I spent Thanskgiving alone until 6 pm, when I picked le Francis up and we went to my home.
2) We ate at a mexican restaurant, which was delicious, bucking tradition, but not.
3) My Island of Misfit Toys holiday gatherings are officially dead until I get new friends.
4) I still am not over the fact that nobody ever asked me what I was doing (in my former circle of friends anyhow), or invited us anywhere.
5) Actually you know its sad when someone you’ve never physically met (a photographer who wants to shoot me) asks you if you have
Thanksgiving plans and invites you over to a similar tradition at his house with his friends and fiance.
6) I refuse to believe that having a boyfriend or girlfriend or whatever turns you into an unresponsive asshole automatically.
7) Francis is the only one I can count on, ever. And it’s better to have one friend in a basket of frenemies than a bunch of friend fakesters who take take take and never give a fucking cent.
8) No, I’m not mad.

And if for some random reason any of you slicky sticks ends up reading this, don’t bother making the phone call you would have forgotten to make anyways.

PS***HAPPY WEEKEND TO EVERYONE!!!! I am a retail snail so I am stuck here at work.

Category: 2000-2011

14 Responses to “Thanksgiving love TIme”

  1. tsdk says:

    Sorry your holiday didn’t turn out how you wanted it to be. I understand.

    B and I bucked tradition also- I made shake ‘n bake pork chops. It was B’s birthday so we went to the movies also. He didn’t feel like going to his sister’s in-laws in central jersey so we didn’t.

    I haven’t spoken to my parents in over a month. They didn’t call prior to ask what we doing for Thanksgiving and they didn’t call ON thanksgiving either. So, like I said, I get it. I didn’t speak to a soul yesterday except my husband. And the guy at the concession stand at the movies when I asked for a “heart-attack amt of butter” on my popcorn. B was a but exasperated by day’s end- he said I spent all day sulking.

    I’m at work today too…Retail never closes anymore in our consumption-fueled society.

    Yeah, I realize I made this about me and my own pity party, lol. Anyway, hope your day today makes up for any shittiness yesterday.

    • deanna says:

      Shake’n bake rocks! I can’t tell you the last time I heard shake’n bake.

      My parents called at like 5 with my little sister in the car on their way back from Thanksgiving. Granted I had school on Wednesday evening and work this morning, but it’s still aggravating. She did ask me for Christmas ideas–all I can think of is stuff I wouldn’t buy for myself, like clothing.

      I have literally had my finger on the trigger (the buy button) so many times over the past month, I am amazed and proud of my self-control.

      Well, aside from them I saw a girl I work with (we did Thanksgiving together) and Francis…and the piggy left in the am to see his family. Sometimes I want to beat him too, since he always strives to be the perfect son. As far as I know he has never missed a Christmas or Thanksgiving, no matter what. How that it is, is beyond me.

      • tsdk says:

        I think we all put some weird pressure on ourselves for the holidays- any holidays to be “special” or more special than just a regular day…then it just sort of backfires because what really does live up to our expections. For those of us who don’t come from the tv sitcom-esque family, I think there is that wish for at least a holiday to bring some of that.

        For me, I don’t know why I don’t know better by now.

        I don’t know what my parents did yesterday…if anything. It’s a long story. Same shit though- just different details.

        As far as E, I knew he was super-close to his family…but I didn’t realize you guys do your holidays separately. Is that the usual? Or just this time because you had a friend visiting? I hope that for whatever reason you were apart, your feelings weren’t hurt.

        I hope you get some good stuff from your family for xmas. New clothes are always good.

        We’re going to Jamaica tomorrow- our free trip that Sandals gave us for having rats and roaches last year in Jamaica. So, I will get to destress and get tan. That definitely helps. 😉

        • deanna says:

          I think you are right about that holiday expectation…for me it is possibly residual from the holiday “Santa Clause” is magical days of yore. That and the fact that people are generally nicer during the holidays.

          We don’t do holidays together. It aggravates me but his mother’s birthday falls around Thanksgiving–and somehow they have also jacked Christmas from me, too. It’s especially aggravating because I know they don’t exactly celebrate it, but then again who does. I know I never thought of it as any day extra special because presents are normally given. I LOVE to get presents for people. It’s a secret achilles heel for me.

          I am stealing with for New Year’s this year though. More on that later….

          • tsdk says:

            It sucks that you can’t be part of their celebrations… 🙁 But, maybe in the future that can change? Well- next year, you’re more than welcome to join us (so you have an invite a year early)…I’ll make Shake ‘N Bake for all.

            I love giving presents too. I had to give B his b-day present two days early because that’s when it came in the mail. I can never hold on to them- I give them right away.

            Ooh- it sounds like you have something cool planned for New Years?…Can’t wait to hear…

            Ok- I’m going to bed- we have to be up at 4am to get to the airport. Have a great rest of the weekend!

          • ironchop says:

            “We don’t do holidays together.”

            I will not ask that which is none of my business

            nor expect an offered explanation

            but let the record reflect that I found that statement to be odd and somewhat disappointing

            however I am sure there is a good explanation and from what I can tell, you must even prefer it that way…..just my observation

        • deanna says:


          have fun in the sun!

          I am jealous but the roach and rat thing probably earned you this tenfold.

  2. sevenjades says:

    Oh My God. That sounds like such a fucktastic day. 🙁 Francis told me how much you love Thanksgiving and how much she was looking forward to being with you up there. At least one part of it went according to plan.

    I’m sorry you have douchebags for friends up there.

    • deanna says:

      Yeah. I do things, or I did things like buy little gifts for people for the holidays who didn’t have anyone their in their physicality to give to them.

      I never did it with any kind of reciprocal expectation…but a freaking phone call can do a lot.

      Then again, I’m a phone jerk quite a bit. I like seeing people in front of me, which is also why this stinks.

      • sevenjades says:

        “I have lost friends, some by death… others through sheer inability to cross the street.”
        Virginia Woolf, The Waves (1931)

        I completely agree with you. These small acts matter, and it’s too bad more people can’t see it. 🙂

  3. iam_hooked says:

    Sorry your day wasn’t as good as you hoped, when I was out of touch with my family for many years I spent many a thanksgiving on my own so I know how it feels.

    As far as traditions, they are what you want them to be, not what others tell you they should be.

    I have a long weekend, but 2 hrs ot on monday, but I’m not looking forward to it because who wants to talk to people that don’t want to pay their phone bill?

    • deanna says:

      the mad collector!

      Oh goodness, I had no idea you worked in collections.

      I hang up on collectors. 🙁 I don’t have a message on my cell because now they don’t call without any identifying “this is deanna’s phone” stuff…they are hospital collectors, so I feel justified avoiding them.

      • iam_hooked says:

        Re: the mad collector!

        Oh I don’t call them, they call us, usually after their phone has been shut off and then they’re really pissed off. Some how they just don’t understand why we shut their phone off even though they haven’t paid their bill in 6 months. Hopefully I’ll be out of there soon, I won’t be able to last there long, it’s just not worth it.

  4. cthulu4prez says:

    I am in the middle of a transition among my group of friends as well. I think it is a little too much to have a group of reliable people. The current batch become mysteriously unavailable when I need them but the minute they want a favor from me they never hesitate asking. Thanksgiving was spent with my family at my drunken uncle’s place. We always used to do Thanksgiving by ourselves, but due to “unfortunate circumstances” that has changed the last couple of years. You’re doing great though in school.

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