The Reluctant Survivor

Published February 7th, 2019 in 2019, hearts | No Comments ยป

One thing I think is not widely accepted, or talked about with these kinds of events we can endure, is how sometimes it's not always a revelation or gratitude we all feel for having survived this. I am speaking for those of you who just were living your lives, maybe didn't even have anything the way you wanted and then boom, you're laid out, you don't feel the same as you did, and life is forever changed for you and those close to you. I think there is certainly something to be said for the heroes we see who do take their battles in stride and sometimes come out better for them, but there are also regular people in our world, people who don't know what to think or have the tools to come out instantly better for our experiences. Sometimes we were struggling in life to start and then get slapped with this nice rendition of "life always happens when you are making other plans" and are not left better for it.

I get it, because I have been there and honestly, I still of course sometimes do go there. But something struck me about my strife ...

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