Turning into a headline: Day 10 OHS coming soon

Published April 11th, 2022 in 2022, hearts | No Comments ยป

I wanted to write yesterday, of course I did, but a drive into DC and getting lost around traffic detours made it one of those days that left me without the right words--I cannot believe anyone would torture themselves to purposely try to drive and get anywhere around DC, but apparently those trucker dudes felt differently. [I understand a few of my readers think my profanity is a turn-off so I won't be doing that unless it is absolutely necessary then], but it was a day where profanity spilled out of both of our mouths just trying to get home.

I also started the day at my waxer--another pro-tip from me to you--if you are getting open heart surgery, and especially if you are a woman--get a bikini wax. You don't have to go full Brazilian, but for me it's the only choice because both sides of my groin have been messed with already and the tape getting caught up in pubic hair is not a win at all. If you can afford it and want a perfect experience with the tape, an arm wax would also be helpful--it just makes it easier on everyone in finding the veins ...

Category: 2022, hearts

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