when people are stupid, you can’t blame yourself

Published March 18th, 2020 in 2020 | No Comments »

Man, the country is in a mess right now. I am actually way less stressed than many because of a few compelling factors that do not hurt my feelings at all.

One. I don't have children nor work in the public. Two, I read about this in January so all of the stress and trauma visiting regular Americans right now I have already endured. My continued studies into this issue over the past few months I was almost overly prepared. I bought masks the week I read about it and had them ordered by 1/21/2020. I know, I know, everyone has a fucking opinion on my mask but when most of the world contending with this is asking for them for their citizens, well, you as Americans have some onus to know and be able to discern for yourselves when the information was given. It is a respiratory illness which means it is a breathing illness which of course means that if you simply breathe, you are at risk and with a lot of the population passing it without knowing it, you cannot convince me all of the people touched each other or the same door handle or ...

uh, so this ride sucks

Published March 10th, 2020 in 2020 | No Comments »

This latest disaster should give us pause, not because it's going to kill a lot of people, but because it could have some longstanding affects in our social structure and community. I keep hoping people will wake up and understand that money is not a value, and our desperate worship of it has left the people without it in a very vulnerable place.

Right now we have to depend on the economic viability of our neighbors and the population not to spread it, but I am in the corner of that is wishful thinking since hospital bills are not cheap and neither is not being able to pay your rent and bills for a time. People will need to go to work and pay for food because that is what we have here--a bunch of people floating through with no safety net. The US has so long been enamored with the rich that they somehow have relegated the majority of the population to second place status with regards to laws enforced and money made. They get to buy favor and avoid paying taxes, all while a bunch of them refuse to pay you, the lowly peasants who ...

Category: 2020

It’s World Kindness Day

Published November 13th, 2019 in 2019 | No Comments »

Speaking of that, I resigned from my job yesterday. A job I had for 6+ years. On top of it being the only job I have kept for more than 3 years ever, it was something I really enjoyed doing. I enjoyed the people I worked with, the selling process, all of it that involved the actual completion of the work. I was really quite good at it, in fact, and I left before management figured out a way to disparage me. I know I bitch and complain here, but this is like my private room where some of you come around every once in a while to peer in, but ultimately I am nothing but fun to work around, because I understand the nuances of psychology and being someone who can be looked up to, and counted on. Nobody wants a negative person in their work environment, so I always always tried to be a positive force.

I respected the people I worked with, and even if I did not like them personally, never spent any time wishing anything poorly on them. I simply ALWAYS treated people the way I wanted to be treated, so when ...

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