summer is my muse

Published June 8th, 2010 in 2000-2011 | No Comments ยป

I’ve realized that since last July things have been a lot more freeing…though not exactly entirely comfortable.

I just finally unpacked and painted my room…I have been in a constant state of flux, moving and shaking around, spending little time in my room but to sleep. Now it’s somewhat of a lovely little energy flux in there…I researched some color theory and furniture placement. I painted it adobe red, which looks more like an orange…This is what is said for Orange, though my decision to paint it this color was based on a recommendation from my healer and the fact that my duvet has a slight of this color and–well really also because I plan on owning a ranch somewhere and picture it being in an adobe southwest or spanish style.

So yes, the orange color theory:

Put some orange in your life when you want:

  • to spice things up when you feel time is dragging
  • to become more involved in something
  • to increase creativity
  • relief from things becoming too serious

Time is not dragging but it’s summer and I can appreciate it. I am trying to involve myself in my own projects, creativity is what is sparked when I am happy and I have been far too contemplative for my own good.

I have also been doing some stuff lately to inspire and cultivate some story telling subjects. I am considering doing a meeting and dating blog but keep the dirty details sparse at best and of course change the names. I have been attacked for turning people into stories in the past, but it’s never a situation of setting people up for hurt. For the most part there is some sense of infamy in achieving a spot worth remarking on in my life. I tend to only let in people who have been vetted in some manner as being worthy. I also tend to romanticize processes and would state with full disclosure I definitely have been in love with the idea of being in love, hence the focus right now in the midst of all of this fun I am having in life is to find a new friend, or lover, or whatever to share myself with since I do plan on hibernating come Fall.

I got approval to put the pool in the back. Hope the new tenants we might be sharing this building with soon aren’t douches. It’s ten feet across and thirty inches deep. It will rule the roost once I get the backyard all spiffed up. K’s dad is going to help us…as I unfortunately discovered some poison sumac back there. No good I tell you. Plus these crazy weed bush things which are choking the shit out of the vinery that is back there too.

I am going to hook this thing up with pictures once I get my new phone. Soooooon.

Category: 2000-2011

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