stupor of Tuesday

Published February 5th, 2008 in hearts | No Comments ยป

Today I was up really early…I gave myself an hour to leave the house. That is pretty amazing for me, because I am so NOT about losing sleep. I did try going to bed at 10, but the wups were pretty fidgety and ornery last night.

Yay for voting! I have never voted in a primary before…it’s really interesting to see the throngs of people out—it’s like everyone is freaking out because they are so desperate for something different.

And unlike my mother and half of the older uptighty whitey generation, I have no problem discussing my politics and WHY I voted for who I did–

And of course it was Obama. Though I fear for his safety, he definitely has inspired something in people. Though I do love Bill for all that he was, I am excited to see what Obama can do. I read some editorials about judgment and experience, and how judgment is the most key aspect to any of it. After all, the current tool present in the White House had how much experience? And look at his miraculous creations. Heh. I am really excited to see what happens. I had to vote…as I heard many people say today, if you’re voting for Hillary, don’t bother, but if you’re voting for Obama, get out there.

So that was my fast exit out of work to everyone tonight—sorry guys, gotta go cast my ballot for Obama. And no, I certainly would NOT vote for a republican for el presidente if it came down to it–but I certainly find less to be disgusted by from McCain. Which probably says something unpleasant for the republicans I know, but I can’t take someone who believes in that hullabaloo called “Intelligent (also known as fantasy island) Design” very seriously. I mean, I know I have good friends who believe in it, but seriously come on now. And it will probably be a man who doesn’t believe in evolution who takes that cake. Oh well, at least it isn’t me. This time an african american and a woman–maybe next time an atheist. Or a buddhist, or a freakin agnostic for god’s sake.

My school schedule is starting to intimidate me a little bit. That and the 23 classes I need to take aside from the three language courses before I graduate. I can seem to only manage 2 or three a semester so it seems like a bit far off…that degree. Then again maybe the country will be in better economic shape after I am done. One never knows. 6 k in loans every semester for like a zillion years. How nice is that? It’s not, really.

This is why I should be paying the lottery tonight. But I think doing my homework will get me closer to what I need.

Tomorrow I will be getting up early to go to the doctor to get my new ass injections…heparin to be precise. I have to prep my body for my throat surgery on the 22nd…so that’s twenty or so pricks to my butt…or actually my thighs or arms could be good now with my extra cushion for pushin. Though I am losing weight due to a lack of food ingestion. That is nice. I guess. It’s called too much to do with not enough time. I literally have ten minutes to eat lunch on Mondays. And rent is double for me now so no more eating out.

I have soo much to do over the next week it is ridiculous. UGH. Homework homework homework. Art projects and papers and blablalbalblabllalaalvlvallalalalal. RA! Give me money god. Please god, it’s me, deanna. I know I think you are a figment of the imaginations of the partially insane…but you COULD think about popping a little in my direction. I might start believing in you. For reals.

I need to go to school full time one day. I got my freaking w-2. And it said 25k. How rich am I? Richer than a few. Poorer than most 31 year old ladies. At least I have no babies…at least I did one thing right.

Category: hearts

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