strange things as my toes numb…

Published February 13th, 2002 in 2000-2011 | No Comments ยป

i woke up today throat itchy. feelin the bum laziness. the no movement desire the head tired does anyone really appreciate me..the movement of my body to rise up and take care of dice.

my energies extended across
wanting to be strong enough
to fall

deep dark feathered eyelashes
bouncing off the prismed glass
I wanna be stuck, stingered
I wanna be broken, built up again
let me sink slowly, mused in smoky dreams
sanding and steaming up..
breath tired and heavy,
body falling
and if your arms reach out to catch me
will I fall the right way..
sweat soaked, kisses stirring
murmuring in the back of my throat
breathing in the you
i need now

on a lighter note. asa (my girl dog) is madly humping ghetto (another girl), while valerie and I have these succinct political discussions which involve me looking up and thinking. francis… do i look like i can synthesize this right now?

Category: 2000-2011

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