so nice to be rosey

Published February 25th, 2006 in 2000-2011 | 3 Comments ยป

I took a bus up to Boston yesterday…on a bus with no shocks shaking and bending my internal organs like a blender of sorts. I got sick 30 minutes in and got myself some Dramamine when the bus stopped. The thing about Dramamine I didn’t even realize was it is nothing but a tranquilizer. It doesn’t actually help anchor the stuff inside you…when you think about options to treat motion sickness you’d figure it would be about keeping it all together…but yeah. It makes you tired and sleepy and by the time I arrived I was semi lucid and passed out anyways. Lady Kate was waiting at the gate to greet me and from there we traveled to see the little man, my friend Meagan’s baby who was all of 2 and a half weeks old. He was such a little cutie, squirming and warm and passed out on my chest a few times yesterday. My heart clicking seemed to be a natural metronome for him, as he seemed to quiet down quite a bit when I held him.

Then it was to meet FRancine. I was kind of wiped from the bus and the trip to Meagan’s so I passed out quite easily next to Francis. We woke up and skittered across her icy kitchen for some coffee goodness, and here I sit.

It’s snowing quite easily outside, and we will romp soon-like. Then it’s the show tonight with S and her boyfriend…poor E is stuck in traffic on 91 jarred in by the accidents.

I’ve been getting good healing therapy and soon everything will fit and lock into fine places. I’ve decided to take note of previous times in the past when it was not appropriate to publicly discuss finances. It was considered rude and uncouth, and I am neither so it’s only right to stop…

This reminds me…my warrior turned civilian mind is starting to recognize I do have good real friends around me who do care, and who not only have been there even when I’m depressed and not answering the calls–but who also are good people who reciprocate my actions. When I consider you my friend you get elevated to familial status, because that’s the place friends have in my life. So, it’s only appropriate to appreciate these people. And you know exactly who you are…Mercy, I mean merci-vous.

Category: 2000-2011

3 Responses to “so nice to be rosey”

  1. caynebhg says:

    We have a surprise for you when Brent gets back…but we will need you address (Brent says he has lost it). Will you email it to us?

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