so apparently I’ve been doing this ALL wrong

Published November 15th, 2020 in 2020 | No Comments ยป

I have been taking those classes lately and realized nobody gives a fuck about reading my daily musings for the most part. I guess, sure, some of you might be slightly amused over the years but generally speaking, the past’s interpretation or really my own regarding a blog being an online diary isn’t what people use blogs for anymore. Who knew? Apparently everyone but me but I never really read anyone else’s blogs, admittedly.

The blog is a tool to help or redirect to selling something. I know, I know, as I have pointed out to friends before, Captain Obvious strikes again. I want to help people, of course, but reading about my shitty family situation or whining about life isn’t exactly fucking helpful to most people. Given all of the stuff happening in the world with corona and the newly minted heart patients and my own experiences with heart surgery and strokes and the rest, I think I have a lot more tools to help than I might have initially realized.

With that being said, I am speaking with a new rockstar surgeon about the valve. He read the reports and was shocked I was still pretty coherent, alive and not having any issues. I am not even sure if I AM NOT having any issues as I am generally tired and stressed out by this life, politics, loneliness, all of the ailments of being alive in the early 21st century. I still have no friends, obviously and I am realizing Virginia is even less cooperative than Colorado. I mean it, these people are actually awful, so much so that I would change their motto Virginia is for Lovers to Virginia is for Assholes. Maybe it’s the times, but you see it VERY clearly in their cars, especially and people generally aren’t afraid of the virus driving around.

But yes, I’ve got the SEO shit this week to learn, Twitter for business the next weekend and YouTube after that. I really have messed up not seeking help prior to all this but from the friend who’s been helping me with this for the past almost two decades whose given me hosting for nothing. He and I met out eating once and I have never laid eyes on him since but he’s done me some really fucking amazing favors for no other reason than…um, my sparkling personality, I guess. I jest, but really he hasn’t asked for shit from me ever. All he might have gotten out of it is an MacBook shell. Certainly not worth all the free help for 20 years but it’s all I had to offer for a while. Certainly now trying to get shit together to make money will hopefully even out my debts a bit more to him.

Things I learned also include–blog posts should not be more than 5-600 words and 1 photo for every 300 words is helpful. Also, video is more pertinent than the blog posts even so that is coming as soon as I learn that stuff, too. So, still alive. Still kicking, still have my senses and no corona here. Ta daaaaa…

Category: 2020

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