reading is good for you…

Published April 4th, 2020 in 2020 | No Comments ยป

Man what a change a few days make. I’ve made a few jokes about this, but imagine if people had listened to me and done the masks weeks ago? We might be a little further along. I did log in to Facebook finally because I knew I had information people needed, and now I feel fucking guilty. If my paranoid ass, or really rational ass could have warned one person and saved one life, I would feel a hell of a lot better than I do. I know, I have the fucking websites and I do have content but I got another art project, two dogs to draw which have ruined the past few weeks. I was doing a copywriting class as well but again, priorities. People ask me to do shit and I have to do it, though I am a fucking procastinator for sure.

I will put this shit on coronaprone eventually, but let me just share the shit I know, since I do still use the internet as a research tool, whereas it seems everyone else uses it to kind of accidentally find shit out their friends share. I guess I could be considered a friend you found shit out from, but clearly I have some levels of common sense sadly missing from most of the population.

So, I will give you some clips of some stuff you can see and my commentary as a result.

1) You know me and my mask opinions. Here is the science:
Click here
My commentary: Obviously believing tens of thousands of New Yorkers all touched the same handle and their faces makes you not very smart. I cannot believe how many people argued with me because of WHO and the CDC, but I used my own brain. And I was right.

Here is the first article I read confirming this. I found this as well, just in case you need more proof.

2) The virus can cause cognitive difficulties—and finding this out made me do further research. Now, clearly I have had strokes already so my brain cannot take more, but anyone thinking this virus is no big deal should consider this summary from this article

The results obtained confirm Professor Talbot’s hypothesis that the human respiratory coronavirus can cause certain neurological diseases of unknown origin, such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and encephalitis.

So you get to survive this and deal with that crap later. How nice.

3) Close your toilet bowl. Fecal infection happens with this disease and there have been several articles
on this–it is why I changed the filter on my shower and sink–we have garbage plumbing here and I read an article months ago about two different tenants on different floors getting this so, me, being the proactive lady I am, decided to prevent that from happening here and took care of it.

4) You might have seen me mention A type blood being an issue. This isn’t the article I read originally but I found it weeks ago–check it here

Now, I think these are the most compelling factors to stay the hell away from everyone right now. I will not be able to mingle with the public until a vaccine comes out—you know I live a fucking solitary life, nobody calls me as it is, so this is not the best thing in the world. But I do know one thing–I wrote this yesterday on my page for me only, but I believe people who have already been traumatized will get through this so much better than those who haven’t:

It’s clear the way some of you are acting that you’ve never had anything catastrophic happen to upend your whole life, change your path, remove possibilities and cause you to suffer the anxiety of not knowing and then realizing nothing would be the same again.

The people who will do the best are the ones who have lost all sense of a normal life already. This instant gratification world we live in will not help you adjust to the reality that we are not going to be the same for longer than you think.

So that’s my latest commentary. I knew it was a problem in January. I know how it is passed. I know what my weaknesses are, and I know that the people who survive might have worse problems later, so people not advocating for healthcare for all…out ya damn minds.

Be well, friends. I have fucking dogs to draw.

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