Re-invention Another Time

Published May 3rd, 2021 in 2021, Pleasantly Positive | No Comments ยป

I tried to apply for a job the other day and I am thinking I might finally be at the age where you cut your experience off a decade or so ago because anything longer than that kind of ages you past malleability. Clearly I am not a rigid stuck-in-her-ways kind of thing, as I have had to reinvent myself more times than most people. My skillsets in dealing with the public are pretty well-rounded, and if I look back through the history of my employment–it includes customer service positions at: banks, medical offices, retail corporate offices, doctor service sites, internet hosting companies, car dealerships, spa companies, gyms, delis, fast casual food, massage companies and travel companies.

I suppose even my restaurant customer service (bartender & waitress) has qualified me all over the gamut as well with sports bars, high end restaurants, casual restaurants, neighborhood restaurants, fireman bars and even fetish bars in the mix. I am not sure what this really leaves me with but a talent with people from all and I mean every walk of life. I am someone who has served the poor as well as celebrities in my customer service and sales existence which has left me almost uniquely qualified to be nothing more than an expert on helping people. But I am older, and I have realized with my observations on the world around me that being an older worker among so many younger adults isn’t exactly the selling point one would assume. If I were a man, maybe it would, but this might be one place where the man/woman fight with regards to employment might have some conflict and truth.

See, women, as we all know, are often a pain in the ass and generally speaking have some attitudes they might not really have any place to have. I’ve seen it, and though I’ve absolutely had bosses younger than me, in fact most were, it’s been kind of eye-opening realizing I am going to be 45 this year and my career is really not something solid, just a bunch of ideas and customer service skills still wrapped up inside a mildly attractive package. It would be better to work from home knowing this–and that is the job I tried to go for, but I am smelling why I might not have gotten it. I am older. I don’t test as well generally. And ultimately I know I would not be the first choice for the job. The hours were terrible, though the pay wasn’t–but it appears Don might be saving us again–until I can figure out how to monetize my skillset better–at least he’s still bringing us options.

He got another note on working in Italy, something they’ve been after him to consider for 9 months now. We assumed the lead he gave to a friend of his from the last job was picked up–turns out, nope. Now, I have been sending Italy vibes into the world lately I will admit–the house for a single euro articles I keep seeing and come on, it’s Italy–and us agreeing that leaving the country would have a host of benefits to both our bank accounts and to our sense of well-being and the fact we have legitimately no true ties to this country at all. We see nobody with any regularity which has been the case for coming on 4 years now–and come on, guys. It’s ITALY!!!!

Right now he has this commitment to this project but the fact they’ve been after him for this long leads me to believe I might still get my dream out of here. I am going to keep putting out the Italy vibes, because I literally tweeted about it via my balona on 4/25/2021, no joke. This was my tweet:

Weekends are not long enough. I want that 4 day work week. No, actually I want to move to Italy and buy one of those houses in Sicily they’re selling for nothing and never come back. Both will never happen, but a girl can dream.

It’s not Sicily, but Northern Italy but COME THE FUCK ON UNIVERSE! GIVE ME ITALY–or give me…hahaha. You know what I want to say but it would sure beat the spend all of your money in the US and get exactly nothing for it life we are currently leading. It is the life many people lead, but we have no children and right now–that’s got a host of benefits that I want to see better utilized than you know, just not having children. I am going to go look right now at these emails he’s been getting so I glean an idea of the location (I think it wasn’t far from Venice tbh)-and see where we might land.

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