expiration and respiration

I tried to call this morning to check on that little thing sitting in my uterus. Lo and behold there are no options for women who have no health insurance to get lesions in their uterus removed. The clinic I called was nice enough–they would be charging me $300 for my first appointment to discuss…

tickity tick again

So I gotta say, for someone not on anxiety medication or taking any other pyschoactive substance I guess aside from marijuana, it does suck to once again know I have a broken heart again. It’s the thing I am trying not to let dominate my thoughts, but when I was sitting in bed earlier with…


So…I am waiting here for the next call about the thing hanging out in my uterus, and I had my other appointment for the CT with the cardio-thoracic surgeon a little over an hour ago—dammit all, it’s really going and the degradation from 2012 was apparently significant enough to warrant some major concern for the…

skidding out of June on our faces

Radio silence is usually a sign around here that things got taken off the rails a bit. Don has been madly searching for work but has been denied unemployment from both Colorado and Nebraska, something we hope one day gets remedied, but depending on the government to do the right thing or catch up is…

time for quiet or time to riot

Seems those are the two choices most of us have. One of my less evolved friends, meaning one of my republican friends tried to tell me she got called racist because she asked for things to just go back to normal. My response ultimately was, this is not your time to air your grievances, this…

riot and revolution

So, I didn’t feel overly qualified to comment too much on race relations because I don’t have any problems with any races yet cannot claim I am not pretty privileged in terms of who I am and what I look like. Yeah, I have been called white bitch by a few black girls, yeah those…

May’s full of maybe

Well, the world is on fire. Seems to be something we can say every once in a while with a sort of frequency that is a bit uncomfortable. But there are good things too in the midst of the shit storm. Don got his resume uploaded to the database and has already been contacted by…

echo no-yo

Ugh, world. Why do you have to fuck with me universe–I feel so lucky as is it would seem teasing out extra is a definite risk. My most recent echo came to fuck me with a nice dose of holy shit, you might have just a year to live to, holy shit, they might want…

questions, answers and superstitions

I am a slight superstitious, I guess you could say, because things sometime have a way of running off the lines of the paths I’ve tried to set up. Clearly this is not just something I am afflicted with right now since so many are now joining me, but yes, Don is home, and no,…

88 days

I haven’t seen Don in 88 days as of today. I have been mostly alone since my birthday, which was the day he flew away to his new job. Today he is coming home and part of me was like, hmm….should I write all of my goodbyes now…should I pre-write them for a possible later…

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