musings and losing

So guys, definitely the world is going to get a bit crazy. I am struck by the recognition that this little virus running around is going to seem pretty elementary and rudimentary in a few years much like TB…but right now it is kind of a big deal. I know a bunch of people are…

uh, so this ride sucks

This latest disaster should give us pause, not because it’s going to kill a lot of people, but because it could have some longstanding affects in our social structure and community. I keep hoping people will wake up and understand that money is not a value, and our desperate worship of it has left the…


So…I have written maybe 4 or 5 versions of postings this week on this virus and some other commentary I have right now, and I guess it’s time I condensed it down because it’s been a week people have been really worried about it, but I started getting ready 6 weeks ago. I read about…

my discipline is shit and other stories

Man I could have used that title so many times it’s probably something I should be ashamed of being, but I am what I am and so that isn’t something I will bug out over at this time.I did sit down to write before my class yesterday but got distracted as I often do and…

2/25/2020 Day 2

So yesterday I kind of gave my life early report for the day. After that I did my shower, didn’t clean and left the house to paint lettuce. Let me explain that–I have noticed that most really great artists went through an entire evolution of skill and style. As someone who let their skill languish…

So this is what happened DAY 1

So the musical jump kinda got me going a bit yesterday but I didn’t do a few things on the list and kinda did the thing on the list I didn’t even mention I wanted to be doing the first few days of this week. So I got done writing and thought, shit. I need…

routine shmoutine

Man I have found it difficult to be a better person on my own. Self-discipline isn’t one of my strong suits, hence I haven’t been able to force much change on my own. I am not entirely stubborn, I am just someone who has learned the joys of doing whatever the fuck I want at…

where do you go to escape?

Man it is sometimes very hard to find sane places to rest your head. Inside books seems to somehow safer than many places we get exposed to, but even then I hate having to go pick through them sometimes. This is an absurd thing to say I realize and makes me also realize I need…

half written life

I have half-written maybe 4 different postings over the past week on everything from my wedding anniversary and income increases since 2017 and honestly, it’s been hard to push the post button when it’s usually a situation of attention span. We have this giant tv. It is huge 72 inches and right now it’s playing…

Printmaking and snow drifts

Well, then. Looks like I am actually spending a lot of time with women who are retired taking these art classes that I am. I suppose it’s easier to take them with older people precisely because they don’t have the same starry-eyed expectation the young have with regards to where they’ll go. Yesterday we carved…

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