pity is quite shitty

Published July 10th, 2019 in 2019 | No Comments ยป

Man I was not in the mood this morning at all. Like for Don, for life, for the bullshit, for the nuisances that have already plagued my day. I have a shitty headache as well as a leg that is kind of creeping up some problems on me. I think that the leg we will really see the outcome of come Winter–I still think there has to be some credence to a certain altitude being either better or worse for the condition. It would only make sense that certain factors would be more stressful on systems running the body.

Right now I get to watch the US gleefully kill off a bunch of its poorest and sickest. Some of you probably have zero idea what it’s like to suffer major illness in a country where MONEY is the first and only American value people use at first glance to determine your worth. That is, if they can’t see your face and judge you there—but yes, the United States and our Reality Show Prez are so keen to hurt a bunch of poor people through neglect–that I can tell you now–I can predict how many will say, fuck it, fuck them. It’s their fault they didn’t get rich. The only thing most of that crew can’t say is–it’s your fault for being born since so many so in love with killing us all off claim pro-life as some sort of crown of worth. They will make sure you know you are nothing–but will high-five your mom or you for not aborting your children. Not that they want to do anything with said children–keep in mind I was adopted and should have been aborted, probably, given the strain on resources my existence has been. But yeah–they would tell me it wasn’t my fault I was born and then tell me I was a piece of absolute shit for not being able to afford the scads of medical bills constantly thrown my way. That is what the US is doing by telling people they don’t deserve healthcare. Keep in mind I have had a fucking job with health insurance 99% of my adult life. I have been on Medicaid only when the job I had didn’t offer it and I needed it. But that is like 2 short stints in my entire life. I see some people have a single dissection and just give up, get on disability, it’s done. TRY that 7, yes SEVEN times and then come talk to me about doing more for my fucking self.

The healthcare issue doesn’t resonate with anyone until they go through something. Then it’s like a light bulb jolt. I just took a survey on my feelings on healthcare and medicare for all, and I realized one thing none of these surveys qualifies is the tie in between people who want it, and people who have ACTUAL REAL EXPERIENCE with the healthcare in this country that is not bought and paid with briefcases full of cash. If you had any real actual experience, you would think I should be screaming a fuck of a lot louder than I do. And no, I do not believe most Americans care about people’s health because as money as your number one value, trying to posture that you want solutions while sitting here arms crossed, judgy judging is pretty fucking ironic, no?

So on top of my mad dash to make a money-making life for myself, that is the shit I have to see in the news. It’s almost like I should get back on Facebook and do my current renditions of all health insurance allows you is the right to go bankrupt over out and out die. It guarantees you nothing, but a possible life, though its quality will be highly influenced by the resources you can acquire for yourself–and if you come in sick, like as a teenager as I did, you better hope you marry rich or you parents trust fund you some cash, and I am talking multiple millions, because you will most assuredly never be able to keep it all. No way no how. Not here. In other countries, absolutely. But in America, money is our first American value, and if you have none, you have no value. And if you have some and get lucky enough to be sick, be ready to give it all up to live your dream life in a cardboard box.

Category: 2019

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