one fifteen nineteen

Published January 15th, 2019 in 2019 | No Comments ยป

Not sure where the theme is going today as I am a well of unfinished projects. I have over the years kept items for later artistic transformation–back in NYC/JC I legitimately carried around the inside of a piano for years, convinced I was going to make that thing into some kinetic sculpture of sorts, perhaps utilizing some of itsa piano-ness later on. Moving west I took my birdcage, this lovely thing that is super victorian my gay husband and his boyfriend bought be years ago. That thing is supposed to be a lamp–and that lamp I was supposed to sell or keep and treasure because cool things, you know lamps, I desperately love–lamps in the shapes of mermaids, beautiful things and the like but no, no heeled lamps with stockings, one of the more overrated parts of the Christmas Story if you ask me.

The Marie Kondo thing I hope helps me out there—granted I have only gotten through the clothing challenge as of late because Don sleeps the day away and my office is really too dark to work in beyond the scope of daylight hours, especially since he stole my lamp to take to his own office, it is certainly a different kind of world in this room I do all my writing on because, no, I never replaced the laptop I lost hmmmm–how many years ago now? Too many not to be embarrassed by–was that mid Columbia that happened or afterwards? JFC the obstacles I have decided to actively forget about so that they become non factors–shit it is not a small amount. So yes, my dark writing room I am supposed to be completing coursework for copywriting in? Not good. It is also the room my sewing machines, screenprinter, button press clay and all the other good stuff sits. Granted right now it is ugly–embarrassingly so, but that will soon change and dammit if I don’t get some new lamps this weekend.

I have decided all of these half projects sitting here will have to be touched this year or go out the window. I think in the space of this, I will be selling these things on my as yet hosted and designed decodeanna site but I am shopping around right now for that and will reveal that soon. That site will be my this is what I felt like making this week site but I might just not even really make that launch until later this year–possibly to coincide with my entrance into Christmas markets, which I do plan on working out later this year to even just unload my current overstock of supplies. I could sell maybe 500 t shirts, some headbands, earrings, some original artwork, whatever, and I have been talking about doing just this very thing over the past few years but never truly planned it early enough. I have 9 months to get it all finished and done and maybe then I can earn some cash to really make the end of this year the best. I could put half in student loans, wouldn’t that be something. I have a definite paranoia to paying this off given if I do have to apply for any sort of disability or social security that they don’t ping that.

But yes world. I will be giving updates of those projects with some photographic accompaniment but I am sure you all noticed my lack of participation in posting selfies pretty much anytime at all. I will figure that out. Next month is some kind of cardiac awareness month and I have always wanted to get that damn project done. The next post will be photos from my last incarnation of said project if I can still find them…more soon, it’s time to go to work.

Category: 2019

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