Molesting Oil Paint with a great fervency

Published October 2nd, 2004 in 2000-2011 | 10 Comments ยป

Now, if oil paint was a man, I would be quite quite happy. It’s completely malleable, and non-permanent, except when it is left alone to form and dry. You can manipulate it, you can layer it up. It does not provide the intimacy and closeness that a hot body will provide, but it is so easy to get lost in the process. It’s like painting with watercolors that take forever to dry, and instead of becoming muddy or black, they retain their luster, their color, more appropriately. Mixing the colors is a bit more deliberate.

Now everyone knows I’m that self-deprecating kind of girl who sometimes craps on herself more than she treats herself. It’s true–I feel like I have endured a lot of bullshit. Now, it is only recently that karma has molested me back and left some shiny jewels on the doorstep, to possibly be cashed in at a later point. One is Paul, who has somehow managed to rile the possibilities up by always helping–this time he got me the transcription job, and pretty much is a shiny little ruby over on the left coast from me. He somehow has ended up being a better friend to me than some of my in my face friends, and for that I should be grateful. And I am.

So I was loving the process of painting. It took me a while to draw this out, but the painting took like less than an hour. It’s 16 inches by 20 inches or something like that. I have painted like maybe ten of these in my life (paintings that is) and I haven’t picked up a brush or done anything in art in like 6 months or so. I am excited over the potential progress that something like this implies–if I can do this now then I might be a really great painter in the future.

bla bla bla…

I really have to do my work now. I am a lefty, hence the smears all over the left side of it. It’s not done yet—more pictures when it is…

Category: 2000-2011

10 Responses to “Molesting Oil Paint with a great fervency”

  1. Woah! Francis…that painting looks fucking AMAZING!

    Daaaaaaaaamn, girl! I’m proud of you!


    • deanna says:


      Yes, Francis, I am quite proud. And I was thinking that I left my skill in MassaTwo Shits. I haven’t done more than one piece per year since 1997.

      Okay, so that’s not funny. But, it is.

      FRANCIS-If I have a couple extra bucks I’m gonna come visit you.

      Soon, Francis. Soon.

  2. candydarling says:

    Sometimes…you throw a curve…and I’m impressed/taken aback by you, my friend. Very good. You should paint more…have YOUR OWN art show at Niagra…that can be arranged very easily.

    • deanna says:

      To Val from Cal

      Shows. Yeah–this is the weekend of the Jersey City art tour and I figured, why not New York? I want an anonymous existence here always.

      Let me know if that is truly possible, miss thang.

      And when that would be.


  3. Michelangelo

    The colors and texture remind me of frescoes I’ve seen.

    Beautiful work. I hope the spirit moves you to paint more often. I often find it can also be quite therapeutic too.

    Blessings of peace to you dear soul.

    • deanna says:

      Re: Michelangelo

      Oh–wow thanks.

      That’s a really cool compliment.

      I love all that kind of stuff–more of an acadmic style is what I enjoy.

      Thank you!

      • Re: Michelangelo

        It’s funny…but I actually immediately thought of Picasso when I saw it…

        It looks amazing.

        • candydarling says:

          Re: Michelangelo

          read my war wounds on my page..oh, if you wanted, i could get you a gig at niagra having your own art show…it would be through the antagonists though, my friend marie ( atagonista)…the girl you met…books all the shit at niagra…if ya wanted…it’s the least i could do. If you have enough pieces…meaning…more than like 4…then you couls sell them at the showing,..i got my friend a photo gig/show there this past summer…he made some cash and showed his art…how great is that?

          • deanna says:

            Re: Michelangelo

            Oh goodness.

            I want upstairs man. I would have at least 15 pieces to show.

            How far in advance do they book?

            I’ll check you out sleepygirl.

          • candydarling says:

            Re: Michelangelo

            Upstairs, huh…well, it’s not up to me what part of the bar you would get…but, I’m sure it’s completely negotiable…I’ll tell her your ‘requests’…I know for a fact they have the bar booked up for Oct…but Nov, looks like it would be happening for your art show…I see her at work tommorrow and will tell her…

            Yeah, so I’ve been hanging out with the Antagonists…it’s a pretty productive venture and they’re all really cool…

            So, call me and I tell you the rest of WWII

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