Journal huff n stuff
Today I decided to search out new friends on this thing…
Usually I don’t do that. In fact, there is probably not one friend I have actively searched out via search parameters.except maybe my friend S…but then again I can’t remember who added who first. I am not so proactive with the adding…Though I’m pretty convinced people are generally afraid of my meanderings. Then again they might not be interested. One thing’s for sure, if your not on my list it would be a rare, if not impossible occurrence to see your words…unless you had an association with a friend of mine…but I find that Francis seems to have the most interesting friends…but none of them are mine.
It’s cold out…took the wup out for a walk. Came home and made some b-fast, a rare occasion. I am weighing 129 to 130 these days, nothing in terms of weight is really sticking. It means my pants have serious baggy ass, but I guess for once I am built like a model.
Today’s musings:
*Why is this iMac always messing up and stuck in a browser spin all of the time? It’s a finicky machine, and I’m not a huge fan of these computers, but my own is not reachable unless I have a router to connect the cables from. Generally I end up shutting the thing down, depending on how I approach the off button. On occasion it goes to yellow, and I have to get it green again to shut it down. Damn Macs don’t have that control alt delete thing like PCs do to check what’s running and stop the badness from spreading. And does anyone know how to download programs on these things? What’s the .dmg stuff supposed to mean. We have two browsers we are trying to add onto the computer to get AIM, but nothing happens when we try to open the .dmg file.
*I was reading this article on yahoo about how dental work dates back 9,000 years, which is a pretty hysterical study if you happen to be Christian and believing in that 6 day, 6,000 year old earth theory. Yahoo uses these discussion boards for people to battle out their opinions. which are generally pretty short and not always succinct. But some of the titles on the posts are hysterical…like “How did the Blue Whale fit on the Ark?” “Carbon dating is false” and “Dinosaurs and Noah’s Ark”. The implied meanings are pretty funny, and I had been thinking about the whole dinosaur thing when arguing recently with a believer in Hey-Zeus as the savior. There are these sites dedicated to reinterpreting the bible to fit the theory of the dinosaurs and evolution…and it’s pretty funny that they reinterpret what the bible says to fit their own agendas, taking some things literally, and calling the things that don’t fit into our knowledge of what is real as metaphors. You hear these rumors about Christianity dying off, and Christians being prosecuted, the new Jews I even heard once. And I really wish it were true. I find it hard to believe that with our increasing knowledge of science and our knowledge that human nature and psychology expect people to exaggerate and stories to change with every person they are passed to—that we would still be a society fit to believe in fairy tales. Everyone has had the experience with telephone, and we all know what happens. Usually the story you end up with is a far cry from the original, embellished to fit the needs of any of the contributing parties, or just because someone wanted to be an ass and change it all outright.
*The tornado warnings covering some 7 states in the midwest tomorrow: I’m not a huge fan of destruction, but you’d have to wonder what’s gonna happen when billions of dollars in damage occur there: maybe Bush can recycle some of the two-hundred thousand dollar bombs by selling them to Iran—and then use some of the bonus money for taking care of what he was elected to take care of: his own country’s citizens. I know it’s a stretch to imagine…but it might be his only option. Or say, vote on the debt ceiling be stretched to 20 trillion. Yeah, great idea. Then our dollar will be equal to that of the peso and Europeans and Asians can come and buy up our companies and products and laugh their asses off at how inane the majority of the south was in voting for the president just to keep them hom-a-sexuls from bein able to get themsselves hitched all legal-like.
option + apple + esc!
haha.. i learned about it when i thought i had killed my ex boyfriend’s computer a few years ago..
ha ha
Thanks mang—though I have avoided this machine over the past 24 because it obviously hates me.
as far as the friend thing goes, you should just give Dana a call. for anything computer related, Jeremy is your man. and he asked me to tell you that he is “a wonderful? and magnanimous person”. don’t ask me why. his email is if you want to get in touch.
friends are good for business
Thanks for the tips. Though I forget…did I meet Jeremy…sorry the names and faces tend to blend in such large groups.
Dana was really awesome…though I haven’t sold the boy on that neighborhood I would like to see her again.
Re: friends are good for business
Jeremy was the eccentric guy that came in w/ he one year old, Elija, and asked you to watch him for a bit.
Re: friends are good for business
ha ha!
I was thinking that might be him…
He was really nice, too.
Merci buckets.
just to keep them hom-a-sexuls from bein able to get themsselves hitched all legal-like.
HAHAHAHAHAHA. I love you Francis. I love your phonetic renderings of the SOUTHERN ACCENT ร lรก “hom-a-sexuls”.
You are the best.
ha ha
You know it’s true Francine…
It has much more impact emphasizing the retardation…
I still think you should be required to pass a basic intelligence test to vote…or even one like immigrants need to pass to get citizenship… I have a sneaking suspicion lots of people would fail. ie, be too fucking stupid to be allowed to vote.
Re: ha ha
And there should be a test for breeding, too.
Is “hom-a-sexul” someone who does vile things to hummus?
Re: ha ha
Breeding tests would be nice as well…
Yes, a homa-sexul hummus defiler is also a good one…though my phonetics betray me.
Re: ha ha
A result of smoking phonics..?
Re: ha ha
Not so much….
But the suth’un folks sound exactly that ridiculous and inane when they pronounce stuff…you can hear a bit when George Double-Ya makes one of his landmark public statements…
Re: ha ha
As someone who’s New Orleans-born, just remember that there are many– and vur’ different –Southern accents. New Orleans city accent is pretty much Brooklyn– Charleston is slow-drawled, Kentucky or Tennessee can be nasal and twangy. George W. speaks East Texas, not “Southern”.
Re: ha ha
As someone who has lived in Texas (Lubbock, Tyler, San Antonio and somewhere else I can’t recall) I still thank Texas is pretty Southern.
My father still talks with a bit o’ twang…max for mix and ruf for roof.
Ain’t nothin against ’em, just makin an obserf-atshion.
Re: ha ha
I’ve always wanted a Virginia Tidewater accent. Or a Volapuk accent.
Seriously fun entries!
Um, thanks.
Re: Um
Any time!