Learning SEO, WP

Published November 18th, 2020 in 2020 | No Comments ยป

Wow, I feel like an absolute ass. The more classes I take, the more I learn my mistakes haven’t been small or insignificant. They are huge, massive misses in a world where I have had access to all the tools but haven’t been able to figure out how to use them correctly.

All good, I’m finally figuring this out and I have a lot of entries written for the coronabalona site and some others. This will not look ANYTHING like it does right now by the end of the year as my next classes are WordPress ones. I want to kick myself square in the jaw for letting several of my genius sites go over the years–because all I had to do was take some classes instead of begging people for favors when they had their own shit to do. My brain doesn’t work as well for self-directed lessons as it does with direct instruction–my attention span is pretty damaged from all the strokes I’ve had and now I am just nervous this next surgery is going to wreck whatever good brain matter I have left and ruin everything. I have the next test on 11/30 and we will find out sometime after that how bad it really is in there. The new surgeon’s deductions were I shouldn’t really be conscious for most of the day and not suffering, but again, how the hell would I know when I have such little stimulus in the day to test any of that out? Today after class my brain was buzzing and I literally crawled into bed and passed out with the dog next to me for a few hours. Now I am drinking my spritzer which is white wine with ice and some lemon lime soda from the soda stream.

It is cold in Virginia and not just in social temperature right now. My little tomatoes are probably frozen on the vine but I expect they will be back again next year. My plans are just writing the shit out of some quality content so I can put that balona site up just in time. I wanted to share a few more things I learned because I swear to you, nobody has read more on this freakin’ virus since I know I am mortal.

1) Mouthwash kills corona. Swish it in your mouth for 15 seconds when you are home from outside. I had a feeling and have done it several times as a preventative thing but got the study today, which I will link later on the real site.

2) It stays on the skin (COVID) for a while so washing is important.

3) Walking your dog outside is apparently as bad for transmission as going to work in person so be quick with your walks and interacting with other dogs is probably the risk there. The virus sits on dog fur for HOURS, too. I know, great, right?

4) People dying are lax in Vitamin D, and melatonin also has shown some promise in treatments. More on all of this later, but I thought I might share the newer things I’ve left unmentioned.

Don works in an infected government building so I have made him take all his shit off at night and put it in the other bathroom with the ozone machine. See, I am paranoid, but smart.

So yeah. Fucking finally I will be doing the right thing. This site will be purely educational and empathetic and the other ones will likely run a bit different. Corona is a mix and the other one will be an e-commerce. Don and I still have that political commentary site google has been sending us for renewal so we will do that, too. I will be a website machine soon enough. All to avoid the world, I am ALL about it. And with that. Bye, cookies.

Category: 2020

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