June Blooms

Published June 2nd, 2006 in 2000-2011 | 10 Comments »

I went out yesterday to open my bank account back up with Citibank, to no avail. Once again E was there to save me, introducing me to his personal banker friend at Chase, who opened my account up for me no problem. He even attached a $200 credit card/credit line, something I have been unable to get for the past 6 years. I am slightly petrified that I will have the account returned and closed, but feel as if it’s my time to shine. Or rather, things should be getting easier.

While I was out yesterday, it solidified my idea that a certain business needs to be started by me to accommodate women from every corner of the globe. I am actually really excited about it because it is something that is needed that I have been searching and searching for but never found through any means. Granted, programming did seem like a good idea for someone who could not speak, but there are programs for people with disabilities like me in NY State to assist in starting small businesses. I have been wanting to do it since I was about 12 (start my own business), but continued to make excuses as to why I was somehow not qualified to do it. I do know and understand one thing about working, and its how to run a business, how to market and how to treat people. When I have been in the position to run my own business, I was very successful because I did understand the very basics, and marketing is something I am very very good at doing. It might be because I hate obtuse marketing, instead preferring more creative means to get attention.

This is a really good thing, considering I feel like I can perform certain functions, but not be locked into one chair for 8 hours listening to people make massage and facial appointments for what is literally way too much money.

I am pretty sure that getting capital to back my business will be quite easy and might even be able to come from close sources. My birth father sent me a check the other day to help with expenses, which is something I did feel was desperately needed. Perhaps his assistance will come with some regularity but I would never expect he would shoulder all of my monthly expenses every single month.

My new place is really one of the happiest things about my life right now. It’s big enough for us, and my new roommate isn’t as annoying as I first thought she would be. At 20, she seems to be eager to ask me questions about how to do certain things, and it’s pretty cool to know random fun facts to share with someone who’s so new to this whole adult thing. Of course the sunshine and the back patio are really nice touches, and make my day fly by but not because I am drowning in the dark any longer.

I did mention that I was writing a book about my life, but I figure it would be better if it had some sort of happy ending, like, she went through all of this shit and is now the successful owner of said company doing this or that for women. Once I get some good grounding I will get out the stories I have already written about shit and intertwine them together to make a good story, capped off by this overcoming adversity story of starting a business.

My nails are seriously atrociously long. All of them but one thumb extend almost a half inch beyond the tip. The lack of super manual labor has allowed them to get this way but the clicking on the computer keyboard and my inability to peel things like labels off without feeling like a hoochie-mama make today the day to get them pretty. This is my major plan of the day aside from product development.

Fancy fancy they say.

Category: 2000-2011

10 Responses to “June Blooms”

  1. tsdk says:

    Seems like things are looking up. You deserve it. Mazel Tov! 🙂

  2. quba says:

    Dude, isn’t VESID awesome? Way to go, New York State, for having something so very helpful for people in our situation.

    Did you go in for the first meeting yet?

    • deanna says:

      nawt yet.

      I figure I need the business plan which means get the products in order first.

      but I have other sources of aid aside from this one too.

      thanks for sharing though.

      you rawk!!!

  3. fort_kanji says:

    I hope things do go well this summer for you.

  4. opheliaswake says:


    …and it’s pool season too.

  5. opheliaswake says:

    ps. we should all pile into a car and make it out to a beach at least once this summer.

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