It’s World Kindness Day

Published November 13th, 2019 in 2019 | No Comments ยป

Speaking of that, I resigned from my job yesterday. A job I had for 6+ years. On top of it being the only job I have kept for more than 3 years ever, it was something I really enjoyed doing. I enjoyed the people I worked with, the selling process, all of it that involved the actual completion of the work. I was really quite good at it, in fact, and I left before management figured out a way to disparage me. I know I bitch and complain here, but this is like my private room where some of you come around every once in a while to peer in, but ultimately I am nothing but fun to work around, because I understand the nuances of psychology and being someone who can be looked up to, and counted on. Nobody wants a negative person in their work environment, so I always always tried to be a positive force.

I respected the people I worked with, and even if I did not like them personally, never spent any time wishing anything poorly on them. I simply ALWAYS treated people the way I wanted to be treated, so when I left, it was not a small thing. Apparently I was much more revered and liked than even I knew, and it caused some ripples and questions from colleagues I didn’t even think cared about me one bit. Of course I knew they liked me, people always seemed pretty damn happy when I came into the office, I heard the cheers sometimes and you know, for someone who thinks nobody fucking gave a shit at all, well apparently I was wrong.

See, I have worked under micro-managers before, and as a result, understand what happens when you start doing that to people. It makes them irritable, irritated and prone to mistakes because they are always worried about getting watched. I didn’t have to worry about that as much as many did, but once they started questioning mere minutes over break and telling people not to talk to each other in person or via chat channels, thereby making even having the technology irrelevant, well you have seen the full evolution of the poisoning of the company come to be.

I did do this because I had the LUXURY of being able to do this. I understand that, and not everyone has these same options available to them, but Don is working hard enough and for enough money that me working was actually inconsequential to our budget. Basically right now he is living for free where he is, and working to keep me happy. I will never return to a corporate job again, I am sure of it, because I have done it enough, and there is no point in going back and investing so much of me again in something that won’t be worthwhile.

So–writing it is. And vlogging. I will be using the platform on my youtube to help people with heart issues and aortic dissections and hopefully give people the hope so many desperately need. Don is buying me a new 4K camera to do this.

Also. Met up with a woman who will be possibly enlisting my help for a different kind of sales I have done already with alternative medicine, selling HIPPA compliant services. Between that, copywriting and my own writing, looks like Deanna gets a mild retirement of sorts, after all. Certainly better than having to sit in the same space endlessly getting ruined by management over my head.

And so I get to start the new decade off fresh and ready to do something good. Let’s just hope I can curb this worsening health curve I have been on–my blood pressure was through the roof all weekend but given today is the first full day without work–well it is finally back to where it should be.

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