It’s the 20’s, everyone

Published January 2nd, 2020 in Pleasantly Positive | No Comments ยป

I have a real affinity for the 1920’s, the style and its incarnations have always made a really sweet and memorable impression on me and here we are again. I also have been saying for a little bit I’ve got maybe the decade left, primarily because of the whole menopause factor and the complications affecting all that hormonal shit, a somewhat suspect heart and some others impediments that have made the idea of future and time a novelty sometimes not worth considering.

So today I did a few things I did promise I would do for myself starting this year. Given I am basically retired for the moment anyways, I get to do the things I always wanted to do, and I get to take the classes I wanted to take vs had to take and now I get to basically be the captain of my own ship and do everything I have always wanted with my time. For now, anyways. I have the next few months to make it happen and–so today I found a pretty robust group of classes to take. Next Tuesday I am taking an instagram class because whatever, why not avoid the mistakes so many do to start? Then at the end of the month an SEO optimization class and then in February I have the class in wordpress development so I can stop harassing my friend here for that. And then a class on painting and on drawing, both weekly as well as a class on google analytics, and youtube. I know, I should probably be finding the youtube lessons on all this shit myself but I find the structure is better to have as well as the changes in scenery that can help facilitate better story development. I have a few things I have to do before I kick the bucket. One, art show, two craft market, three, voice over, four, write a book, five, learn how to sew. Now the idea I can get all of these done this year does seem a little wild, I do realize, but remember I do not have the distraction of children nor the concern of work to busy my day out and I am feeling a little under the gun, we’ll say with respect to time. So the first part of this year I am going to be doing the dissection blogs and sewing and art and painting. Voice over and writing come Spring as well as maybe some intermediate painting and drawing summer and fall and see where that all takes me. Pottery classes, too but I don’t have time now for them as much as I would like to but I am a huge advocate of taking classes when you have them available to you. Check out local groups, museums, colleges and smaller organizations.

Now provided I am allowed to continue with this theme of my time as my own, I should be able to get that market worked out for this coming Christmas season and hopefully make some money that way as well as learn the ins and outs of social media marketing and build that blog and build the instagram up. I really want to help people in whatever manner I can and hopefully avoid the worst parts of social media if I can manage it. heartsandscarsd is the instagram but I might have to shorten that down as that was the one social media account I missed setting up.

I am not one for resolutions but this year I am getting shit done. Sewing, painting, drawing, vlogging. The stress savings from not being tied to doing things for other people for little pay I hope will be remedied by me doing things for me for better pay.

And there is my great news party people.

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