It’s Day 6. Feb 6 2022

Published February 6th, 2022 in 2022 | No Comments ยป

I know you worry so much about checking in on me–I know that’s been my mistake over the years. I mean how many people do you know who have a collection of blogs going back over 20 years like I do? I know, it’s not impressive given the frequency, but you’ve starved me people. I swear that fucking I bite my dog post is the only reason anyone has found me even accidentally. All you ever had to do was feed me a comment even once in a blue moon and I might feel some reason to get all of these ideas I have in my head down. At this point it’s just for me the only thing I can leave that might leave a murmur of who I was and have been–and it is so fucking incomplete even still.

Today’s step count as of 6:26 pm 2/6/2022 is 9,939 so clearly the 10k should be easy for Duke’s night walk. I made him my husband do the big loop with me–he’s hilarious and we should be doing more of those–that’s several miles just meandering with me around places we can close to us.

Now I did pull the scale out to see if these 10k days were going to do anything to my weight ESPECIALLY given I now have one glass of wine with Sprite and the two days before I was also a failure. The scale said 166 so that is 4 pounds you hope is even less by Tuesday. The problem if that is true is that I will probably never feel compelled to do much else besides 10k a day if I can get into all my dresses and pants the same-I know I need to boost the ass, trim the stomach, get hot because who the hell knows. I might end up getting stuck selling my own nudity on OnlyFans if I get stuck in this hellhole of a country wanting to get ahead at all while almost the entire health system collapses. GET ME OUT OF HERE! ITALY! GERMANY! NETHERLANDS! JFC I am nervous to see how the year ends out because it will absolutely determine where we go next. I think even certain places in Mexico can be worked with given the circumstances we face here.

Hey guys. I don’t know who comes but I know people are coming. Tell me something interesting, shit on me, respond at all so I know it’s not just cryptobots trying to comment.

I swear I will do fucking videos-I have a TIKTOK for this of course but nobody responds here why am I going to put myself out like that?


Category: 2022

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