it’s a little bit swishy

Published May 13th, 2019 in 2019, Pleasantly Positive | No Comments ยป

That has absolutely nothing to do with much aside from the word play I wanted to play with–somethings I get into the tonality or pace of the words over their meaning but sometimes the pace I assign even internally assists in its connotation.

I finally have a damn plan for my life, eclipsing 43, I am at the point where I am done leaving it up the whims of whatever. The timing ended up working out quite fruitfully as well given the whole loss of family and home a few Decembers ago. Truly with the maturation of the pension/401k thing I have building in December, the lease in December, and December being the mighty month of gifts, well–let’s say it’s due time.

Basically what we have is a 6 month timeline to fix my life, and I am bringing you all along for the ride. There will be other sites pointed to, maybe, as nobody comes here expecting much besides heart shit and that is in many ways a secondary concern to who I am. Yeah, I’ve got some problems, but I survived them and in a lot of ways, survived things many people did not as well. I might have had a shit attitude at points, sure but you handle this shit with as much grace as I have ultimately with no medication, rare therapy I couldn’t quote you a line of help from, and basically all on my own realizing of what a human spirit can be capable of, resorting sometimes to just entertaining its own will or desire.

So this is the thing. I have a few days to get things going but I am launching beauty/food blog as why not? Don and I have an gmail on youtube I can launch one of the shows off of for weekend cooking with him, and the rest of the recipes or services I can share with some photos on the site as well as my own skincare and hair and makeup and fitness evolutions.

On top of the beauty stuff I am hopefully amassing my inventory for my other deco site–my buddy has to help me with that (just need the WP platform!!)–then sell t-shirts, headbands, lamps and pretty things off that. Hopefully in the next 6 years I can amass enough to pay the student loan off. Wouldn’t that be somethin’?

See, I am starting out pretty well for a raw thing. But I suppose I should measure my BP, INR, some other things as well in the process. I am thin enough but lack muscle mass or much in terms of lung capacity or endurance. I am no longer flexible. I do not eat well but when I cook, which is almost every day, at least I eat a great dinner, but I don’t spend a ton of time on the other meals which is probably not ideal and not going to work for my current plan. I am going to be working out as well every day, doing a little butt and arm work because why not. The chick is in her 40’s and ain’t looking half bad if I do say so myself. Didn’t have children but went through a lot of heart surgeries–this face should be turned upside down in a permanent frown but that’s not happening either. I am starting a new routine of exercise skin and hair care and hope to be totally unrecognizable at the end of it all. Come October my skin will probably be insane, but December is the marker month for renewed health etc. And since I have an okay face, whatever, it might take a few years to get anywhere but…it’s still something. I also am always fucking recipes up and combing the best two or three in one so I can get the flavors I like out. I realize and recognize that is a value maybe I haven’t used so much.

Get me to happy…that is the goal over the next 6 months. Why the rush? I am in the last decade or so of my life so better late than never.

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