I’m telling you, yoga before open heart surgery

Published April 16th, 2022 in 2000-2011 | No Comments ยป

Hey so I don’t care if your surgery is in a month, two months, two weeks–my advice is to try that link to the practice I recommended the other day. I had no idea how hunched I really am–of course if you had an ACTA2 genetic defect like I have, my advice would be very very slowly and deliberately as you could possibly overstretch your arteries and snap them (this is also why you SHOULD NOT get chiropractic adjustments with any connective tissue disorder making you prone to tears). I have seen heart surgeons talking about seeing people get adjusted on chiropractic tables and cringe with the force and direction used. I’m feeling a little better every day doing the yoga. Yes, there are days I clearly try to talk myself out of it because it’s a commitment and we all know how adjusted I have gotten to life over the past few years with little discipline beyond self-health discipline. Sometimes I don’t FEEL like doing it, because I feel low energy or I just don’t want to DO anything, and then I remember I am in menopause and that’s just what is going to happen more than I am comfortable with and remind myself how much better I feel after. This intro she has is only 20-23 minutes or so per class. It’s a VERY low time commitment but trust me, your chest is already creating a cavern for itself if you have had surgery already, and if not simply because you sit hunched over a phone or in a chair over a computer all day.

The last time I had heart surgery was post stroke in a yoga class–getting your blood flowing and making it easier for the surgeon to get to you on the table is not going to make it harder for you to survive and recover, I promise you. Most of us have the hunch in our backs from working for years on a computer–it’s just something that would be beneficial to all of us–but getting my husband committed in 20 minute increments seems almost impossible sometimes, too.

There’s also the other benefits in getting your breath under control so you can get there easier with the anesthesiologist as well practicing for anything gets you in better control later, too. That’s why I want to get my 10ks in as much as I can daily, get myself well vitamined, etc. I also got the 2nd booster today–this one is again Moderna giving me a 4 dose head start–Moderna used a lot of the AI’s in its development so I trust them more than the others, though this will be my husband’s 2nd as well. We both went for 4 today. Nothing ever happened to us, and I expected nothing ever would so we kinda lived that. I am also on blood thinners and other medicine so any of the other issues reported are already under control.

Beyond that, I haven’t done much meditation–I do need some healing music sessions still, a visit with Shali, perhaps and my other experiments are still going. I’ll explain those later but food–I will be writing this into a better format as to be released later–but I did get a Popeye’s chicken sandwich the other day and that was AMAZING. I figure every once in a while–we hadn’t had any fast food in months, every once in a while it’s fine. But food is huge, guys–you can’t be eating garbage every day and expect to feel good ever. I mean it–processed meats and pre-packaged foods for us are off limits–I am wary of having it more than once every week or two–the pre-packaged usually some pizza or even the shepherd’s pie from Aldi’s–everything else well made and delicious by my hands. Again, I use the food boxes because many of them are cheaper and don’t have any waste–for someone like me who NEEDS variety and needs different textures, it’s a great option that ends up working out to $60 for 10 meals which is really not bad. If you’re a batch cooker maybe not great, but that’s full variety for 5 nights.

I do need to hard boil some eggs for more snacking options–I found some meditation, again you’ve seen I have access to the healing music, I am practicing breathing with the yoga. Obviously the weed come down sucks, but is necessary to eliminate completely. I need to reset myself so definitely not a bad thing–no alcohol I tell my husband will be good as well–but I’ll admit it’s been less than a week since I’ve not had ANY–I had a beer and a half the other day and too much wine last weekend. It’s never any everyday thing but we’ve all been reading there truly is no amount of alcohol that can be recommended and I would feel better to never anyways. It would be better if it was once every blue moon with friends vs anything we do in unsocial settings. We gotta make them first, of course, but still. Ugh, one of these days I swear we will have a music and art making tribe not full of dicks, but sometimes you wonder how many enclaves of those can even exist given current social temperament.

Category: 2000-2011

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