I’m over-prepared-at least I try to be: OHS preparation for experts

Published April 6th, 2022 in 2022, hearts, Pleasantly Positive | No Comments ยป

I hate that I am a fucking expert on this over all things. I really don’t need this to be my specialty–cardiac surgery, anyways, but I suppose you should talk about what you know. I know I need to get more photos, some tiktoks happening, though it’s hard to imagine music to some things I want to talk about. I suppose I should probably just film a bunch of shit and Fiverr it for some options. After all, I can talk about it until all ends of the earth but I’m no fan of my face or voice a lot of the time. My creativity extends to what I can fashion with my hands, the internet is a little more abstract than my mind likes to work with so my program knowledge hasn’t been the best over the years.

So the boots I have become a little too happy with–and I did buy a PEMF mat–the reviews were just solid for what I am hoping to get out of it, the next step is getting on a schedule which is maybe not every day as my date draws closer so I can use it coming out of the surgery. I payment planned that sucker because that’s what I had to do–though I am hoping I can get some products out and sold pre-date so that I can offset some of this. I hate the idea of gofundme’s–I think one time I got about $2500 from a fundraising effort my ex-boyfriend launched for my last open heart and related-this was pre-ACA where companies had lifetime limits-those guys didn’t try to sue me-it was the post ACA world that did. That’s because the doctors wrote off their payment for it and it wasn’t something I got sued for payment on.

So the supplements I am taking are these: A calcium magnesium zinc pill and a triple omega as well as a D3–I think I need to throw another B in there–I am still taking the MSM powder–the Ka’chava I haven’t taken for a few days–I have to contact them. Luckily for everyone I am not easily bribed on tools–these are all things, tools, and products I have found I really haven’t gotten anything other than whatever standard discount was at the time. I usually did a ton of research on each product I have linked off here–anything I recommend I will try to identify I have been paid to, but I will not be recommending anything I don’t personally own beforehand, so I don’t know that it is the same. The boots I did ask for a cut on anyone who found them through my link, but that’s just because I am making no money so why not get some referral cash for my own organic discoveries? Of course you would if you had a blog.

Okay so I know I was touting the healing properties of weed the other day, but I am going to have to quit smoking it entirely. There’s some newer research that it is terrible for your heart and head–I’m going to have to limit my consumption of all of it except for in small doses orally via gummies or oil–it’s just one of those habits I’ve been super resistant to changing because it sometimes is the only thing that makes me feel better-I assumed I lived in cleaner spaces than big cities so my lungs couldn’t be more polluted than a true city dweller so kind of reasoned it away that way–there goes the PEMF and MSM to hopefully help things along.

The one risk we all know is to your brain–stroking out clearly I have done before–I feel like a lot of my personal memories from NYC got stroked out of my brain, but maybe it was more of that anesthesia that doesn’t do a brain very good. At this point the goal is to get in, get through the surgery, have it be a clean and easier experience, and come out of it well set up to make shit happen for myself. I have this site, one other I am actively writing on and then another two or three I could probably will into existence if I wasn’t trying to numb my brain all the time to the general life anxiety I feel living in the modern era. Those of us who bridged the analog/digital divide as adults remember a time which was a bit simpler, where our stresses weren’t always trying to kill us, both psychologically and physically all of the time.

So I promise I will do an unboxing of this PEMF mat and we can all talk about how great it is together–certainly I will have to film that as we go. If it turns into a joke product that does not work or breaks after a week, we will all talk about that, but at this point I have some high hopes for its function. I do have a red-light therapy mask. Now some of these PEMF claims do seem a bit hocus-pocus, which is why we will need to test them on THE most skeptical human being, which is of course, my husband. Apparently dogs and animals like what these things do, and I’ll tell you one dog version I found was just as much as the one I bought, later to be revealed.

One metaphor about the PEMF mat I will try to work out in my reviews is the fact that it is used by NASA astronauts to keep healthy in space, illnesses like mine clearly sending your body and sometimes your consciousness out into orbit. Of course these to come slamming back to earth sometimes in the worst ways. There are people who have died in this aortic dissection group I am in–other groups, too. The group representing the interests of the gene defect probably being the most standoffish and un-compliant–once again a chance to dig on that doctor who discovered it. Just kidding…maybe.

You guys really need to consider getting some air filters, people. Remember, if you use CORONABALONA15 you get a discount off your purchase. This is how we have avoided getting or passing any illness in this house. I am taking one with me to the hospital, too. That is the company we found and have been using since the pandemic started-the filters I feel have kept us safe–.

So the list so far, for my surgery:

Compression boots.
PEMF mat
Air filter

Other considerations pre-surgery:
Food. Whole foods, vegetables, not a ton of sugar. Berries/nuts as much as you can. Mandarins, too. Mushrooms as much as possible.

Yoga everyday. Learn to meditate and ease into your brain and learn how to watch your thoughts.

Who’s gonna cook if you do it all?
Who’s going to walk your dog when you can’t crawl down the stairs?

Sure, there’s the daily terror and realization these might be your last days on earth, but there’s so much time to think about that later, why dwell?

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