I need my own personal chef
My apartment smells like chilean sea bass. That was my dinner last night, finely prepared by Miss L. Geez-that girl can cook–I always thought I could but I wasn’t married for 11 years to develop such skills. I am the incredibly shrinking woman. I used to have ass, some semblance of chest, and a little more meat on my bones. For a while I attributed this loss to the breakup diet but have quickly remedied that thought process to lay blame at the feet of my finances. I eat sweet potatoes for dinner quite often–cheap, easy and delicious. I rarely eat breakfast and lunch is also becoming somewhat of a luxury I cannot afford.
It’s fairly stupid, but I cannot work 40+ hours a week anymore. While I am in school I can’t manage working more than 32. I shouldn’t be working and going to Columbia full-time at the same time at all to be honest. It’s too difficult to manage, the stress–but these things tend to happen sometimes. So I am living in, or at least in the general vicinity of this booming metropolis and making not enough per year is certainly not cutting the mustard at all. I cannot wait to get out of the hole. As B remarked yesterday–yeah, dude, get yourself outta there, it’s no place for a lady. Tell me about it. Thankfully, I have nobody else who depends on me. I can barely handle the vet expenses for my two little doggies for crying out loud.
I look at home listings somethings and these sprawling pads–2,3,4,5 6 million never seems like that much for me. Though I clearly do not have the cash to lay down for such a place I do plan on getting there. Fo’ sho’.
Today I have a paper and a performance to attend to. Then I have music to absorb of the classical kind. Then I have a massive test on Tuesday. Then I was supposed to go see my sister in DC for the rest of this week—but I am not able to leave this week. There is just too much to do and attend to with work so I cannot jet away.
Miss B was gonna buy us all tickets to run off to Me-hico. Not gonna happen, though. I will get there before January’s end or I will kick someone in the face. Mark my words, it will happen.