I might not look like a rockstar but I can sure rock out with the best of them

Published July 17th, 2006 in 2000-2011 | 4 Comments »

I was telling someone that I was convinced that 90% of the recovery is mental. And I am thinking this has to be the case given my most recent activities. We got to LA at like 6 pm on Thursday…chilled at the hotel until 8ish. Went to dinner with some capitol people. Got to bed at a semi decent hour (maybe 3 am my regular time?) Friday ran around a bit with E. Went to Leno and did all of that. I actually have a new respect for the man (and I really am not a celebrity loving kind of girl) because he went into the two dressing rooms to ask us how we were, if we needed anything and personally thanked the band for playing. Chantal wanted to pogo with the Hoff, but ended up doing it with Leno instead, something that is not normally done as I understand. Left there and went to the Greek, watched the band play a killer set. Then watched the Go-Gos, went for two minutes to a lame after party (lame because nobody was there). Got back to the Hyatt, I stayed up for a bit but went to bed at 4 am my normal time.

The next day we got up and drove to Vegas…the heat got up to 118 in the car and we got out for the boys to smoke a cigarette. I got a picture with Eddie…and I am the only one smiling. I love that heat since it resembles sticking a hairdryer up your shirt to warm your cold ass up.

We got to Vegas, the boys did a bit of gambling, then we went to the show. Got out and home from the show at like 2 am (that’s 5 am my time), got up the next day, checked out. Then we gambled. I put down $20 and walked out with $250 playing blackjack. I was the only winner since the boys go crazy with gambling. I am a wimpy better, playing $10 tables and no higher, because I am not working and losing money is really horrifying for me. Got to the airport, and I did finally start feeling the exhaustion. Got on the redeye. Eddie and I had our own row so I got to lay down. Listened to a symphony of screaming babies. Got home this morning at 7:30 am. Fell asleep, woke up at 2, and I have been going nonstop. I feel like a fancy jet-setter of sorts, even though I am far from it. This Friday will be my 12th week I think since my actual open heart. I am shocked at my ability to keep up with everyone. And actually really really proud.

I want to write more but wanted to get the bare bones of what happened out so I didn’t forget them. It was one of those super memorable rock n roll kinds of trips. I liked winning at gambling and I liked feeling like a rock star without actually having to do any work.

More on all of this later!

Category: 2000-2011

4 Responses to “I might not look like a rockstar but I can sure rock out with the best of them”

  1. jhohanna says:

    YAY!!!!!!!!!! I am *so* happy that you survived all this with flying colors. I rested up for ya! 😀

  2. tsdk says:

    Can’t wait to hear the rest…sounds so exciting…especially since I AM a celeb-loving kind of gal…lol. Glad you had a good time!!

  3. quba says:

    I still think you should start a band where you sing into the mic with a megaphone. You’d take this nation by storm.

  4. opheliaswake says:

    oh you are a real rock star and you know it. rock stars aren’t about the music anyway. see you tommorow, yes?

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