Huge Thanks all around

Published July 13th, 2006 in 2000-2011 | 12 Comments ยป

First of all, I wanted to thank you all for being a part of what was probably record posting in my journal. That blip was actually supposed to be longer. But I wrote it and continued to get interrupted last night, so finally hit post as soon as I decided to go to bed.

Tomorrow I am going to LA. I have never wanted to go to LA. That whole dirt factor never appealed to me, as well as the plastic boobs and botox ass running around. Granted I have never been there, but it is literally the last destination I would choose to travel to in California. I have been to San Diego (loved it), been to San Francisco, Alameda and have two really good friends who live in Palo Alto.

So when E asked me if I wanted to go with him there, I said sure. I suppose I might want to know what I am talking about if I decided to make those decisions about it. Plus, I’m not working, and it will be fun. The band he manages, MW, was asked by the GoGos to play their show on Friday night and they also got asked to be on Leno on Friday night as well. Tomorrow I have no idea what we will be doing. Friday E will be working all day I am sure, so I’m not sure what the hell I should do while I am there. Shop? Are there worthy landmarks to partake in? Is there actual culture and not the Hollywood fallacy? Iย  will be observing this wholeheartedly I am sure. I am feeling a little less than secure with my less than average sized breasts. I guess my face is good enough…but sheesh.

Either way, the cherry on top part of the trip is that MW is playing in Las Vegas on Saturday night so we are driving out there on Saturday and staying somewhere on the strip and flying home late Sunday night on the early Monday morning red eye from Vegas.

Two places I can cross off on my places to go before I die list. Next up is Europe. Costa Rica would also be good. But I really want to see Greece, Prague, Amsterdam, Italy, Spain.

New Zealand might be nice someday too. So I guess I am not wasting all of my time worrying. I am squeezing some fun out of it.

But if you guys are around, you should watch Leno on Friday night. David Hasselhoff is even on. And you should for sure see the show because I have been ensured it will be interesting!!!

Category: 2000-2011

12 Responses to “Huge Thanks all around”

  1. deanna says:


    Yeah, so I have been assured it will be good. Everyone does keep telling me to drink Ensure, though.

    And you all also know that David Hasselhoff is the best reason to watch any program. hahahwahah.

    • jhohanna says:

      Re: hahaha

      OMFG!!!!!!! We *LOVE* Morningwood!!! HOLY crap! That’s insane! ๐Ÿ™‚

      Oh, and did I ever tell you that I have drank more Ensure that I can shake a stick at? I have pallettes of it. :\ Oh, and that I had the biggest crush on the Hoff for all of my childhood. *very* pre-Baywatch though. It was *all* about Michael Knight! :P:P:P

      • deanna says:

        Re: hahaha

        Yay for Morningwood! I have been seeing bands for literally half of my life and they put on the best show ever.

        Ensure is bleh! I am so over it. I think I had a crush on him as well. But shhh, I would never tell anyone that. I used to love Duran Duran and Tears for Fears more, my sister and I literally kissing the tv screen when they would be on.

        • jhohanna says:

          Re: hahaha

          *giggle* I hear ya! ๐Ÿ™‚ I still do, that’s the sad part. Ok, I don’t kiss the tv… well. I’ve been known to I guess. ๐Ÿ˜›

          I’m nuts, what can I say!

        • ironchop says:

          Re: hahaha


  2. tsdk says:

    OMG! Deanna- LA is SO fun. And so is Vegas. There ARE things to see in LA even just to say you saw them. In fact, I have a journal entry way down below…might even be the first called “Girl Meets Boy” I think about the first time I went to LA. I wanted to see Rodeo Drive, Mann’s Chinese Theatre, shop on Melrose, Sunset Strip, go to Sky Bar…The girl I was with and I just hopped on a bus and ran around to as many places as we could…we only had one afternoon to ourselves…we were all over. I took tourist-y pics…I got to watch the red carpet for 2 premieres…I guess it sounds so silly, but I loved it. I am a tourist. lol. You will have a great time. Don’t even think about your boobs vs anyone else’s…just ENJOY yourself.

    I don’t know if you have been to Vegas or not because you didn’t say, but that is just system overload….just tons of energy. I can people watch for hours at a clip there.

    I am SO excited for you. Have a GREAT time. It will be spectacular. I can guarantee it.

    • deanna says:

      Thank you thank you!

      I know nothing about either of these places, having been to neither until today.

      We shall see what I can do tomorrow ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. lessthangrey says:

    i know a good thing in los angeles…me! haha
    i don’t really have any recommendations on siteseeing adventures, but it can definitely be a fun place.
    hollywood is amusing, so if you’ve never been here you should check it out. everything is a bit crazy though.
    have a great time!
    oh, and i remember thinking morningwood was really cool.

    • deanna says:

      ahhh! Thanks! I wish I had made better plans but we booked this less than a week ago when I was in Colorado so I could have seen all of you west coast ladies. I had no idea you were here!

      I will see what I can do…the flight today was super super late so we had no time.

  4. jhohanna says:

    If you get this!!!! HAY!!!!!!!! Call me, I’ll drive up and meet up with you! ๐Ÿ˜€ Email inbound.

  5. moonlitlake says:

    Have an awesome time deaa! ๐Ÿ™‚

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