hospital fun and all tha jazz

Published March 14th, 2006 in hearts | 14 Comments ยป

if you need to know anything about hospitals it’s they are really no fun unless you are one of the people inflicting the pain.

otherwise you have rows and rows of victims crying out in pain because someone is always there to poke you and prod you and make you cry.

this past little venture in the hospital solidified one thing for me: in my 29 years of life i have undergone 5 ruthless surgeries that have tested my wills and strengths and solidified my tolerance for pain. when i am 75 and this all is supposedly normal, forget it, let me go. let me die with some kind of dignity. i paid my dues early to make it easier later i guess.

the pain is immeasurable. my neck sports two 6 inch scars above what would be my left and right clavicles. what would be because i am so swollen you can’t really see that i have clavicles at all. it feels like someone is perpetually tightening a rope around my neck, but i am able to breathe. my arms are yellow and purple with every plausible vein blown. i made them let me go yesterday since i was not only bleeding menstraly for the sixth day, but my own smell revolted me. so they let me go. and somehow, here, in the comfort of my home, i can eat more than chicken broth.

i will for sure post up pictures really soon.

for all of you who visited me, for all of you who went out of your way to call me and make me feel better, i send you my endless thanks. for every prayer and good thought, thank you. Like I have said in the past, a hospital visit will weed out your true friends. and that’s the truth. The people who visited surprised the shit out of me. The prayers and calls meant everything.

This year I am really cleaning the junk and build up out of my life: from never were friends to bad thoughts to enemies to everything. i don’t need to care about things which do not matter.


Category: hearts

14 Responses to “hospital fun and all tha jazz”

  1. opheliaswake says:

    speaking of visits…

    think you might be well enough by Sat. to go out to lunch at this place? My treat of course. I’ll come by to see you regardless. I got your # from V. so I’ll give you a call in the next few days.

    • Anonymous says:

      Re: speaking of visits…

      yah. that might be good. today I went with my escort babs in action of course, from Williamsburg Brooklyn to 86th st Upper East Side to a cab to the hospital for a follow up. then we had lunch in the neighborhood. then we took a cab to union square. then we went to walgreens. then we got on the train back.

      I am seriously kicking ass. I lost 16 pounds during the 15 days and I just got back after being on the run for 5 hours!!!!

      sorry. i’m just proud of myself.

      • deanna says:

        Re: speaking of visits…whoops!!!!

        sorry for the redundancy!!!!

        • opheliaswake says:

          Re: speaking of visits…whoops!!!!

          s’ok. That sounds like quite a marathon! especial for having just gone through major surgery. You totally are kicking ass! and I’m glad to hear it. I got all proud of myself just for making buffalo wings. :p
          Keep at it!

          • deanna says:

            Re: speaking of visits…whoops!!!!


            thank you for the phone call. sorry for the bad voice. it’s coming back slowly, though.

            see you guys soon!!!!

    • deanna says:

      Re: speaking of visits…

      yes yes.

      today i took the train to 86th st. then a cab to the hospital. then lunch. then a cab to union square then a trip to walgreens. then the subway back. for normal people this isn’t anything but considering i was running around for 5 hours and i lost 16 pounds during my 2 weeks in the hospital it is pretty incredible.

      i am proud of myself. and yes, i could do lunch i think!!!

  2. missannieb says:

    everyone is really missing you here at work, miss deanna.
    i hope you start to feel better really soon. i may stop by on sunday or monday if you’re feeling up to it. xo.

  3. nemo_omen says:

    Hey Doc! Good to know you get to be at home. My phone should be back on in a few days and I’ll be getting paid sometime soon. We should go grab some food.

  4. ilosemymind says:

    You are my hero Deanna, seriously.

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