Holy Crap the Threat of Heart Exhaust is Very Real Here

Published September 2nd, 2018 in Pleasantly Positive | No Comments ยป

I see that up there and wonder about my tendency to keep things lower case when I used to title the works I would post here–not sure what any of it even means in the grand schemes of things, but there are some things I do know, being me as that is the only person I am capable of being.

This world lately, guys, is a shit show and a half, and I think we truly need a revolution of thought of sorts. For a while I thought it might be something that would naturally evolve, hopefully unencumbered by the ignorant, the people who seem to be dragging all of us down everyday. But the ending thought there seemed to be the one that got its jaws clenched onto us all, so my next two thoughts might be two of the only ones that I can imagine all of us putting our shitty ideas about each other away for the foreseeable future. Oh, and a third, but the third is a bigger thing than anything any of us should be writing about, but natural conclusions could be reached with a natural, or maybe unnatural end as it were.

One. Aliens. Where the hell are you guys? I mean, yeah, you would like to think we would greet them with a natural curiosity and not exterminate them, but we can’t even get along with each other, so come do something, tell us something that makes us unite behind our own humanity.

Two. War. Nothing unites Americans more than a common enemy, and really some of my fear is the current administration will realize that and pull something that looks like it was someone else, so we can then unite against them and boom, problem solved, the attention’s not on me, it’s on them.

These two outcomes might bring a certain relief I feel is not exactly workable in the current world we reside in in this country. It is rough to read the news–and I read too much–but I am starting to realize that if I care to know what is going on politically anymore, to not expect too many miracles out of the left, but here you can go for a running tally of the accomplishments, if you can call them that, well the happenings daily, with references.

Beyond that, it is books. And writing, because there is nothing to float your interest in writing more than reading a few books. I read a 300 page one Friday into Saturday, The Blinds. And though it wasn’t this hopeful story or anything–it was way more interesting than being online.

It’s been stomach-churning, the worries of what our healthcare would look like at the end of this administration if you can even call it that. I have nothing close to the cash it would take to even out my karma monetarily because I have been beyond broke MOST of my life.

This and the tone, the attitude here–when you do have outside experiences to compare it to, seems a little less than anything great, compelling or worth it to fight to reside around–he got the job, the very good job working for a country outside our own which is step one you take. We do know a few people over there, only one is a scabby crumb of a human, someone I used to check on and worry about constantly, even over here from Denver, yeah the same shitty person who tried to tell me they didn’t want me in Holland. The totally ironic thing is she is exhibiting the same immigrant disdain the Trumpers here go on and on about and staking claim in a country that is not hers to claim for her own, just like most of the morons here. The same person who is mooching off someone else yet trying to call me out when I have been working for 98% of my own working life (most of the past 27 years is all) –not making a ton, but certainly with no plans not to pay into the system, get the BSN, get the cash in hand to not be a burden. Man, when I think of some of the efforts I have made to care about people and some of the absolute disdain and garbage shoveled back at me at points–you wonder why I even come back for more over and over.

Because I have to believe and hope there are more people like me than her, and my mother, and every other jackass I have come to know.

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