Here We Go Again

Published May 5th, 2021 in 2021, hearts, Pleasantly Positive | No Comments ยป

So, I didn’t get the thing. The job, the position. It was working for Chanel, and really, how fancy is this ass to work for a real designer? Not fancy enough, I’m afraid. Yeah, yeah, it wasn’t really working FOR the designers at Chanel, but simply a brand ambassador. You know, the person who is able to whip out the Chanel facts, and sell you their story along with some sunglasses and direct you on how to buy $7k purses. I was ready, I studied a lot even though I wasn’t sure I was going to get it. The longer I waited, the more sure I was that I might not.

I still think I would have been good at it. I give incredibly good phone. I always have, and hopefully always will. BUT, it apparently wasn’t meant to be. I was supposed to know by Monday. Monday came and went, and that bill I had for the last echo, a total of $46 after insurance did their thing, but that bill I was sitting on because I just had this feeling. This feeling that once I did pay it, they would be calling me for the follow-up. They told me originally it would be April or May, after all. And when May rolled in without a peep, I knew it was my inaction and open bill that dipped me down the priority list for follow-up care. Because we live in a country chock full of FOR PROFIT people, people who want to make money, and it doesn’t matter if you can’t pay that $46–they weren’t going to help me until I did.

Wouldn’t you know I paid that sucker and WITHIN THE FUCKING HOUR they were calling me, acting all cavalier and casual about it like, Hi Ms. ____, we are calling to schedule your follow-up echo. Just call us when you get a minute. I called within ten and made that thing for next week, because at this point, IF I am going to get it done, best to get it done before Corona comes back and bites us all harder in the ass. [see India for how that’s working]. So I made the appointment and mentioned my facetious shock that the bill being paid was the compelling factor in the setting of that appointment up. She didn’t act surprised, she didn’t even raise an eyebrow (I can hear the arch of an eyebrow, guys, I’ve been on the phone that long.) She took care of the stuff she needed and I am in next week. And two weeks after that, I am going to be talking to the illustrious Doctor about what that thing says.

Because timing is always so wonderfully kismet, this happened to be the same week that he got the job offer for Italy (yes, this really happened). He’s not going to just run to that job, but given how we both feel about Europe, and the opportunity to do so, it was something he was toying with doing, as it was possibly a permanent position. After all of my whining about Italy, it seemed like a plan worth considering. But, no, no. I have to actually, you know, handle my own health affairs because we have nobody here, I mean, nobody. And for me to go through surgery with nobody’s help is probably not the best plan. Sure, sure I could do it, but that’s one of those benefits to being married. You don’t NEED to do everything on your own.

So I suspect whatever this thing is I will be doing will need to be done by mid June. This will give me July and August to figure out some shit. September we might have to move, but ultimately, GIVE ME GERMANY OR SWITZERLAND or ITALY or FRANCE, or the NETHERLANDS, Universe. I need it. And I am so not in NEED of much, but I fucking need to have a good life. For whatever is left. And I have a sneaking suspicion that is maybe 6-10 max so let me have a little fucking joy, please. I mean, PLEASE?!?

Yeah, so that’s what’s happening, guys. I would also take a mega millions win, Universe, because then some other bucket list dreams could be realized. Right now it appears I won’t be able to work until…the Winter. Only roughly 2 full years after the last time. I am Queen Idiot, what can I say? So for the next full month I am working on a heart heart heart healthy diet, making myself presentable, and the thing. The tiktok thing I am doing I will shhh…tell you about later. I’m a low commitment kind of girl, so that might be the best platform for me right now.

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