Hearts Hurt: COVID & broken heart syndrome

Published February 7th, 2022 in 2022 | No Comments ยป

Hmm on that.
It was a classic case of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, or broken heart syndrome, her doctors say. The rare but dangerous form of heart disease is triggered by intense emotional or physical stress when a sudden flood of hormones is believed to stun the heart into pumping less efficiently. Good thing that from one of the stories I read said only 1 out of 10 might end up with that being a permanent thing, but you wonder what kind of heart damage might have been reported already. It also is expected you might experience another issues within 10 years as well based on historical cases. I am sorry anyone came to find this just searching for those kinds of things-certainly having heart issues is something I’m almost too familiar with-however I’ve been able to come out of it pretty well-adjusted as a person and possibly even more agreeable and positive because of it, this because that’s the attitude I tend to adopt. I don’t feel great about living in this country or any of the things coming down the line possibly-you kind of hope America opens up to just even the general possibility that having a government leaning more towards the solutions for the people over solutions for companies and might take into account one of my favorite realizations:

***Not everything profitable has social value & not everything with social value is profitable.

Certainly our tax money shouldn’t be going to fund activities these companies get funded by us and benefit should be going to us. We’ve seen the effects of giving rich people more money. Rich people then have more money to keep and hoard away, the only thing raining down on us is low wages or no guarantee, and a weaker society as a result. We need childcare help, we need better school funding, we need to remove privatized prisons & invest in educating our low level offenders vs getting off on punishing people like it’s still the 1700’s & we want to see people suffer to feel we’re better. Go look around to see if trickledown has ever worked? Nope. Reagan being the worst single President we could ever have for the country, but certainly fabulous for rich people, a mistake we seem to make electing any republican.

Social democracies work, and those who have left the country have seen the differences in their big city environments vs the US-their big cities not dependent on citizens to be their profit centers for everything you’d expect in a decent society-everything privatized here and clearly that is the wet dream of every capitalist-to find and exploit every manner or method of getting cash out of the public into your hands so you have more.

People have been hearing me comment like a broken record on Twitter and here about getting single payer or some kind of nationalized healthcare out of the government for selling us out for business. I mean, even the money they gave to us in large chunks was not to people but to businesses when it would have been better served to ensure a chunk was to ventilation and filtration in public buildings and schools and to offset cost to business of doing that. That of course will be one of the missed opportunities of this year is not doing that, but we’re likely to have another thing come out within the next few years because we’re going to have some hot decades coming up in the 30’s and 40’s if we don’t extinct ourselves before then, which I kinda expect. Even taking some of that money to earmark for current COVID clinics I guess wouldn’t be the thing anyone is going to be eager to advertise right now, but within the year and decades after, that’s going to be a massive cash cow.

So today’s post I felt I had to put here vs the other place because of its heart relevance-clearly you will probably never find a person who has a pre-existing condition like I do who would ever advocate for republican policies because they are the antithesis of what is good for people who have one. It’s unfortunate what will need to happen to have it be fully realized, but it’s a point worth making.

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