These entries discuss heart surgery, recovery and other related comments.
Today I jet set in to the hospital like some sort of mini-celebrity (this is in my own mind only of course). Then I get regulated. Then I get sliced and diced. I feel nostalgic about my neck for some reason. Should I take a picture of it to show my grandkids one day? Ha!…
Today I went to the hospital to get my syringes and such for my self administered heparin project and it became apparent to me: This country sucks… the life out of its citizens… Here’s the skinny: in Spain they just approved a program which would enable the banks to compensate students for good grades maintained…
so while looking at my various options for income support, i did some research that indicated i might be eligible for more than just food stamps (hopefully). it does require a bit of paperwork filing and all that stuff, but it’s for sure much easier than trying to sell my body (not that anyone would…
last night i sat waiting for e to return home from his travels, when i started doing my finances..and when i am saying finances, i am talking about how far i can stretch the $156 I take home every week from my disability claim in New York State. see, my company wouldn’t pay for my…
so today i was on a mad quest. first i paid a bill that resulted from some 2100 text messages and various other phone stuff. then i went looking for the healer, only to discover that the restaurant had been closed. thankfully the yoga place was still there, and I called them looking for Shali….
my surgery date is moved up two days, which leaves me two more days of normalcy to revel in. i called to tell my mom, who wants to take me home to mass for some crazy insane reason for a number of weeks after the third surgery. to make sure i have food and i…
i’ll give you a little tiny tiny clue. don’t call me. don’t write me. don’t tell me how fantastic your life is. don’t bother trying to make up for being a complete jerk just because you “found something out” about me. don’t try and pretend you’ve been a good friend when you’ve been selfish and…
Though I’m not sure what my little surgeon is gonna say about my broken blood vessel and I am a bit of a mess from questioning every little detail of life around me. I figured it was time to step back up to the plate. This is the main result of my inability to access…
jimminy crickets. i don’t much care for a lot these days aside from people i guess. my own life is just a weird result of some strange cosmic scramble around the time of my birth. i talked to my mother last night who kept insisting that i am here for something, to which i responded,…
so somehow my neighbor has released his ban on having me attached to his wireless network which means boatloads of fun, as well as catching up on minimal posting for the past four months since I lost my access… it always took something super special for me to post, something slick or something even half-thrown…