These entries discuss heart surgery, recovery and other related comments.


I’ve been looking at my current life condition, the quality of my life, and the condition of my affairs…and I realize something: Money is the main and major obstacle between having what I need, and want, and doing without. For example, I collect $156.99 per week from the state of NY as my short term…

slippery sun shines

Oh the squeals of delight emerging from my head (not mouth to screen, see) regarding the current weather. I cannot wait for 98 degrees and 90% humidity…it is the only time my hands don’t appear as pastrami…and any discomfort is curbed by the fact that it’s not 10 degrees and snowing out. I was telling…

fact and fiction and the logic of opinion

The above title is part of my new project…it’s funny when I think about the loads of time I have to argue and debate. It’s almost endless, in fact. Work for me will probably happen, if I am lucky, June or July. That’s the problem with those open hearts, they kill your stamina. My nurse…

I try to picture music around me every day

Today I actually listened to a CD and it didn’t hurt. Of course it was Morningwood’s debut album, something I tried to sing to: it was actually pretty hysterical given my voice works at 60-70% of what it used to. Laura came over and brought me chicken stir fry and we hung out and chatted…

spring has sprung

And oh, what have we done? I am finding it hard to be inspired being so bed-ridden…I am bedridden more to boredom than being unable to physically move. I was teary-eyed when Babs left this morning. I felt like I was taken care of unconditionally: wholly and completely with no exchange needed. I need visitors,…


This past week has been so amazing, it’s really hard to see that it does have an end. Babs is leaving town tomorrow morning, inspired to stay by my need for help. It’s nice to have someone making you food, helping with the dog, hanging out and loving you. I feel so incredibly loved after…

hospital fun and all tha jazz

if you need to know anything about hospitals it’s they are really no fun unless you are one of the people inflicting the pain. otherwise you have rows and rows of victims crying out in pain because someone is always there to poke you and prod you and make you cry. this past little venture…

packedby776 updating on behalf of deaa

Hey, it’s me again, updating on behalf of deaa. She just had her second surgery yesterday. She is in a great deal of pain and is unable to move either side of her neck, but is otherwise ok and on the way to recovery. She wants me to extend her thanks for all of the…

greetings from the hospital

my carotid was poked and prodded and cut into a bunch the other day…today marks day 8 i’ve been here. i feel like absolute crap, in so much pain i can’t even quite explain it. i will be home next tuesday or wednesday after they do the other side of my neck bypass of coratid…

packedby776 updating on behalf of deaa

Hey Everyone, This is Deanna’s friend ValĂ©ria (aka “Francis”), updating on her behalf. She wanted me to let you know that she made it through her first surgery. The surgeries are bypasses from cora to vertebral and sub clavian arteries on each side. Her right side is done, and her left side will be done…

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