These entries discuss heart surgery, recovery and other related comments.

bupp bop to hop

I haven’t been around lately…but I’ve been reading. I didn’t write a few weeks back because S came to town and I sent her a link to my journal…something she doesn’t understand how to use. But referring to someone as OCD is probably insulting enough. She made me spend ridiculous amounts of time shopping…and I…

moving is a many headed horror

My parents made us move I believe 17 times when we were younger. I remember actually packing my own things in 2nd grade even. They owned 24 houses and I was there for 17 of those moves. I probably packed my own things about 12 times. Plus my 3 moves in Worcester. 11 moves here….

oooooooooooooo it’s just so fancy

Heh. You all wonder where I might have been hiding myself lately…the ones who notice anyways. Things are…things are basically shit on a shingle, as my dad used to say. AS IF I didn’t have enough of a party with my little adventures in the hospital, I now have something even more precious and delicious…

politics and business

I’m so glad my nursing service is all about milking the insurance company for all possible services. My physical therapist came over for an evaluation today, and I didn’t even have to set it up. Keep in mind this is literally not even a week after getting out. I have been having a less than…

bleh bleh leh

The tops of my shoulders are pretty freakin sore. I really don’t dig this whole pain thing. It’s really no party. My visiting home health aid flaked out to go hang out with her family, I’m sure of it. I don’t think I will like her much, as she probably won’t be able to appreciate…

because I cannot muster my frisky fun and sarcastic self

Just a few notes. Got out of the hospital this week. After having a stroke right the day after surgery, discovered by some seizures that took everyone by suprise. The MRIs I’ve had in years past were never those targeted to the head, so they found another fun divet while perusing my brain area. Another…

days of may

er. many. I’m going in to the hospital today. I have a CAT scan first, then I’m gonna bust outta there, get a machiatto, and hug a tree. Then admit myself. Pray for me on Friday. I am scared. hit me up on it. I will be bored for sure. See you all next week….

smelling oneself

Since I got out of the hospital, I have become very accustomed to smelling myself. My rank armpits’ odor wafting up and hitting my nose. The inevitable ew at my own stink. I decided to stay away from normal deodorant because of the component that causes breast cancer, Aluminum Chlorohydrate. My new deodorants are some…

I just sent a creepy random message

to a bunch of people in my email list. Who knew gmail was so frisky and fancy. Creepy only because it comes out of left field for 80% of the people on it. and because I felt creepy sending it—asking for prayers and good thoughts, you know? Today I went to my old job and…

behold the power of shali

hahaha. shali is probably most responsible for the fact that I am still here, hoping and filled with expectation. not that everything will be okay because i’m going to work hard to get it, but that everything will be okay because it simply has to be—and it’s been imagined. UPS stinks butt, but that’s because…

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