These entries discuss heart surgery, recovery and other related comments.

my advice sometimes is a little lengthy…

You know, the more I write the more I wonder why the fuck I am not writing more frequently, but also I notice some of the things I have written lately I have repeated in terms of sentiment and meaning. Always to help, never to hinder, anyone who knows me this is who I am–very…

marching into time

I still do those what I used to think were clever plays on words though most people…of course I was going to write most people do not give a fuck what I write. Of course most people don’t, my god. I am not some hero, but rather an antagonist in some situations and I guess…

The Reluctant Survivor

One thing I think is not widely accepted, or talked about with these kinds of events we can endure, is how sometimes it’s not always a revelation or gratitude we all feel for having survived this. I am speaking for those of you who just were living your lives, maybe didn’t even have anything the…

the idea$$$$$

Okay, so I figured out some things, having really taken a deep look at our finances, or mine, for that matter, since I am the one without the resources and really, without a hell of a lot of the hope you’d think a grown adult with no children would have the space to have. I…

experience vs expectation

Well guys, that thing I mentioned I might elaborate on later came to fruition, sending me into a bit of a tailspin.So my experience with my first surgeries and the like traced back to that rowdy month, October 1995 when my first dissections ripped through my body and altered my path forever. When I first…

Aortic Dissection Awareness Day is Today, Guys

I can tell you all I felt like a bit of anomaly before I came across this group on facebook that has 2400 members. Granted I haven’t run into anyone with the exact same situations, but there are those who have had as much as me if not maybe more, who knows at the end…

what is your definition of family? mine is likely not the same…

Interesting lately watching the world pass by us as it does…Don and I, I had mentioned, are pretty distanced from all family members–birth adoptive, who I picked up last year, you know. I kid, but for years the idea of family didn’t really ring any comforting bells because these people I was handed off to…

the stitch of a crick leaves more felled to the back

The more I come back, err, the more that comes out seems to be bringing some of my floated poetry back into motion. So many years, so many poems scribed on dinner and cocktail napkins–a friend of mine had so many, collecting them behind a bar we were working behind. There were men, sure, they…

the history’s in question but there’s an end in sight

I’ve made these weird allusions to the way things have changed recently even just with an answer–and all of these things, they point to a conclusion, for once. I’ve tried writing this shit down…and I’ve felt ill-prepared in many ways to go back there to the points of terror, of uncertainty–of even the time I…

on suffering

Interesting quandaries I have found myself in lately…but for once in my life–I know I am not the only one wondering how my body could turn against me so explicitly. I know there are other people out there suffering and celebrating anniversaries with some expectation of hope and change, and not the Obama kind but…

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