These entries discuss heart surgery, recovery and other related comments.

I survived but never wished I sometimes didn’t before this one.

I know, how irresponsible and ungracious, right? This surgery kicked my ass. First of all I was in ICU over a week & I am still in a terrible amount of pain too much for me to remember what it feels like to feel good. I did get them to help me go through multiple…

ughhhhh: tomorrow I am split open like a turkey

Today has been hard. I have cried and joked with the nurses. Many of them tell me I have a great attitude, and I am still me in that I am trying to keep things jovial. People come in and ask how I am and I say “having the time of my life CLEARLY” or…

7 days from my possible end of existence

Man it’s gonna totally suck if I die because I think finally people are starting to want to pay attention or listen to me. I am the most interesting person you don’t know.I kid, there are absolutely people wayyy more interesting than me but I’ve got my own opinions on most things-I feel in some…

let me convince you on the yoga again: OHS preparation

12 eggs, cream, handful of spinach thiny sliced, 1/3 a red pepper, 1/4 mushrooms then sliced, some garlic powder. salt pepper and I put sour cream w/ s&p watered down in the divet.

Day 4 Yoga/13 days in

Counting days, days counting. I have a thing for numbers so I tend to notice them a lot though clearly I am no mathematician–I have a plan to organize all my at-home notes into a book of sorts with all the finer details of things–but the one huge benefit or recommendation I think I have…

Day 12: AVS coming soon

Soooo. You know I love being an experiment–actually that isn’t true, but let’s just say that in this life I have felt the need to be my own best advocate. I’ve experimented on myself over the years trying to find a balance and solution to my issues–the health issues are certainly way more fun to…

Day 11

Today’s plan is clean this place up. I’ll update later if it’s worth remarking on visually. My mother-in-law got me a ridiculous recliner. I mean, it will be the nicest thing to sleep in and recover from surgery in. The problem is, because I am Queen nosy, my gift was revealed–which is not a bad…

Turning into a headline: Day 10 OHS coming soon

I wanted to write yesterday, of course I did, but a drive into DC and getting lost around traffic detours made it one of those days that left me without the right words–I cannot believe anyone would torture themselves to purposely try to drive and get anywhere around DC, but apparently those trucker dudes felt…

when the clubs you’re in don’t even like you

I got up pretty amped–last night was the last hurrah for any drinking-I had a few glasses of Pinot Grigio with some Sprite–clearly I am no purist. One thing all my years of bartending taught me was to pay attention to the signs you are wasted, hence I haven’t made any mistakes to get me…

today was lady day

Man–if there’s something absurd that can happen to leave me confused on a given day, it’s going to happen, I ended up going to a totally different address than I was supposed to, having first ended up at the right address, but walking away because the building address was well camouflaged and the address I…

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